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  • Birthday 11/30/1982

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  1. Looking for a ball that can be compressed with a 90 mph ss but gets good spin around the green and off low irons. I'm almost out of the vapor speed balls and want to try something different and see if it makes a difference. Also I know I'm a hacker but I don't lose alot of balls per round, maybe 1 or 2 max. Any thoughts?
  2. Interesting so even the great Hogan was stealing ideas =). I thought it was interesting because most people say Hogan's swing was anti-hook and that driver set-up was definitely a draw set-up. I like reading golf books so i'll have to give Johnny's a look.
  3. Just read Hogan's five lessons and the most interesting thing was his setup. I can see why having the ball in the same spot (just off his left heel) but why change the right foot so much with each club. Wedge right foot is in front of left, middel iron both are the same and with a driver right foot is well behind (from DTL view) Anyone know why this works or maybe doesnt work? Anyone actually use this?
  4. Thanks for tips and drill mike. But I have a few questions. What makes my impact position bad? Is my weight not forward enough, or any body part (hips, hands, shoulders) not in the right spot? I try to think (maybe too) technically about things and would like some feedback on positioning of things. I'll definitley try out your drill and see how it works. Man only one post for help, I thought all the swing gurus would love to tear apart my high handicap swing. Any other thoughts?
  5. Fixed. Sorry first time using youtube.
  6. I know it's bad, but how do i fix it? My misses are slice, pull (driver) or fat (with irons). Any help is appreciated. P.S. when I say Good in the video it means Good for me =)
  7. I've been doing good under 30 feet but anything past screws me up. I feel weird swinging a putter that hard and it usually end ups bad, but chipping with the hybrid from the rough has been kinda easy so why not on the green. Anybody try this? Any tips? Gunna practice tonight after it cools down to only 100 degrees. I know I am gunna get some funny looks on the course but if it works .
  8. Go to a golf store and just hit a bunch of different types. Mallets, mid-mallets, blades, 2-ball, center and back shafted, milled, inserts . . . You get the idea. Dont worry about brand but what 'looks' and feels good. Once you find a type when worry about brand.
  9. I don't swing much faster then you and I love the Nike Karma (old version). It is by far the softest feeling ball I have ever hit. Haven't hit the new version but the old ones are dirt cheap. http://www.lostgolfballs.com/Nike-Ka...category_id/96 P.S. just saw this if you wanna try out different balls. Pretty good idea from Lostgolfballs.com http://www.lostgolfballs.com/Premium...category_id/78
  10. Lately I have been having trouble hitting the ball fat. I am trying to rotate my shoulders faster but i think this is leaving my arms behind so at impact the right shoulder is way lower then my left. Is this correct or should they be more parallel?
  11. Here are a couple of videos of my practice swings with a 6-iron. Going to the range this weekend so I'll post more vids with a ball later. Just wondering if anyone can give me a few tips to help me groove a SnT swing. Buying the book next pay check, and just trying to get a head start.
  12. Is this a serious thread? Sorry I didn't read through all 12 pages of discussion, but to me anyone who puts a ton of self worth in any number (handicap, paycheck, SAT score . . .) is a complete loser. Yea I would be a little happier being a 2 instead of a 20 but that doesn't make me or anyone a loser. The only thing that matters is how to treat people and how you raise your kids, everything else is superfluous.
  13. Thanks for the replies. Tried the Pearl and it is pretty close to what the Vapor felt like. I will definitely try the Srixon soft feel next time I'm out playing. Thanks for the heads up on the Laddie X. Those things are dirtball cheap online so I'll order some next paycheck.
  14. Alright updating old ass thread. Been practicing 10-15 min everyday (on carpet but better then nothing) and have changed to a left hand below right hand grip (right handed) and have seen some improvment. I feel the left hand pulling through the ball instead of my right hand trying to hit the ball. Played a par 3 course and finished with 35 putts and even a 18 foot birdie putt . So there is still hope for me, which means there is hope for everybody.
  15. Thanks for the website info, but I thought that the Vapor has a compression of 70 just like the pearl. http://www.lostgolfballs.com/Nike-On.../category_id/1 click the specs tab And I know its a women's ball but I can find them pretty cheap online. Plus I have pink zero friction tees. Why? They were on sale, a pack of 36 for 2 bucks. Frugalness > manlyness
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