I am experimenting with different grip sizes because I have always played standard, but some (not all) sizing charts have suggested midsize for me (I wear a large glove, my hand measures 7.75 inches.)
Can somebody help me with terminology like "wraps." Looking through the forum some folks say that to get to midsize, which is standard + 1/16", you add 3 or 4 wraps of tape. But, looking at tables or calculators like at Hireko, for a butt size of .6 and a stander grip with inner core of .6, I would need something like 9 wraps of tape at .0035" to get it to midsize (.962").
So why are people saying 3 or 4 wraps? Is there some assumption I am missing? Like it is 3-4 wraps PLUS extra double-sided tape (but what thickness?)
Maybe I should just use some calipers.