Team , I have a couple of observations that may help you . To answer the question u asked about grips I would take the advice several gave by trying one- two clubs and see how it feels . You hit the nail on the head by noticing you have and outside to in swing . Lee Trevino made the hall of fame with a swing like that . One thing ill bet you do not do is let your hands roll naturally through the ball . What I mean basically is to hold the club out in front of you like a base ball bat and swing , notice what your hands do . For right handlers the right hand should roll over and finish on top of the left hand . That is true in golf as well . Just practice the baseball swing and gradually move the club (arc of the swing) down to the ball , the swing should not change . Observation no 2 if you change to a strong ( motorcycle grip ) you will find doing the "baseball " swing much more difficult. Simple grip is to literally clap your hands together with the shaft in between. Or as I call it shake hands with the club ,left then right . The grip you should have now let's the wrists move freely . Now it's a matter of timing Good luck , hang in there you will fix the slice and notice a draw once in awhile .