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  1. The very best drill to learn how to release your hands and arms is to swing with your left arm only. What you will learn is that you cannot continue to pull your arms through the shot or you will never release the clubhead (hence chicken wing ). Your arms actually have to to decelerate at impact and transfer the energy to your hands which will release the clubhead. If you just continue pulling your arms through the shot you will see how that creates the "chicken wing". It is one of the very best drills for golf and when you can hit shots with only swinging with your left arm-- you will learn to release the club correctly and it will change a lot of other feels in the swing. Good luck and stay with it until you can hit good shots with only the left arm. Do not quite because it is hard. But you should eventually be able to hit shots with each arm individually. In so doing teaches what each arm does in the swing. Scott
  2. After establishing your hip bend and letting your arms hang, do you let your scapula relax and therefore let your arms hang relaxed or do you pull both shoulder blades slightly together to keep your back flat so that there is no rounding of the shoulders. I'm struggling with this because I sense a little added tension in my body by doing this and it pulls both arms into my body and therefore shortening my arms so that I'm a lot closer to the ball. This looks good in mirror but I feel the tension in my back and it may take time to get use to it!
  3. You most likely have a very flat turn. You need to feel that when you initiate your left shoulder turn that you start with the left shoulder starting down towards your left foot before rotating. You want a 90 degree shoulder turn to your spine angle established at address. Also try to keep your weight more on your left foot even all the way to the top of the swing. At your address position, think of your left leg and left shoulder being against a wall and when you turn in your backswing, you want to keep your left hip, leg and shoulder still against hat wall and not shift away from it. Just a couple of pointers that will surely steepen your shoulder turn while keeping your hands on or inside your right shoulder at the top of the swing.
  4. If u want to build a swing that is repeatable with pressure then u also need to figure out a trigger to start your swing. This is not emphasized by golf instruction like it should be but the idea is to start with a small move towards the target and then rebound off that move with your takeaway. As far as the takeaway--I find making sure that I start my turn away from the target by turning my left shoulder down and around. Most poor golfers turn their shoulders too level to ground.
  5. I'm trying to increase my ability to externally rotate my shoulder and I bought the Rotator--anyone have experience using it? Increase flexibility a lot?
  6. I've played with 10 finger for last two yrs due to injury and will never go back. There is no need to--play what feels best and understand that no matter what grip you play with having lighter grip pressure and learning to properly release club is most important. Scott Piercy plays PGA tour with ten finger and the only reason more do not use is because of the stigma attached to the grip!
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