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About Chris5573

  • Birthday 11/30/1972

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  • Index: 7.3
  • Plays: Righty

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  1. I am going to buy an FT9 driver this week, and I wanted to ask about the shafts. I have a choice between the stock Z com and the VS Proto 60. Both shafts would be stiff flex, and the head is 9*. My swingspeed is 95-100, I normally produce mid to high spin drives and I am an 8hdcp player. Would the the Proto be too stiff for me, and too low? I know the FT9 is a low spinning head. I have demo-ed the Z com indoors and got good results, never had the chance to try the Proto 60 though. Can anyone tell me the differences between these 2 shafts?
  2. Is there really a big difference between the regular Hyper X and the tour version? I know the tour has a slightly open face, (which would not help me), and a different shaft. Are the heads the same though? Is the tour better just because of the shaft?
  3. If you had to pick between a Callaway Hyper X, (non tour), or an '08 Cobra LD F Speed driver, which would you choose and why? I am on an extremely tight budget, and for the money I can spend, I am between these 2. Either of these would be with the stock shafts. Thanks!
  4. I'm glad I finally tried one out. I never liked the sound they made, so I always stayed away from them. The 2008 LD doesn't seem to be as loud as the ones I remember from before. I have demo-ed the S91, and I like that one even more than the LD...just can't afford it right now. That's fine though, the F speed LD is perfect for me. I bought one new on Ebay for $125.
  5. I have been trying to decide if I should keep my Tour Burner or swich to the Hyper X. I went to Edwin Watts today to test them out, and I liked my TB better. Then I demo-ed a Cobra F Speed LD and I was blown away! I never gave any thought to trying out a Cobra because of the terrible noise some of them make, but this one gave me the best numbers on the launch monitor. I don't hit my driver like a lot of you guys do...my TB carried an average of 245 and rolled to 260...the LD carried 260 and rolled over 270! For me, this is long. I have already listed my TB on Ebay for sale, and I'm looking for an LD. Do any of you play this or have you demo-ed it? I've heard some of the other Cobra drivers are better/longer, but this one is in my price range.
  6. Does it all pretty much come down to the shafts though? I mean, I know there are people who like 1 of these 3 drivers more than the others...but they are all pretty good, right?
  7. Well, I haven't gotten any responses on here yet...but on some of the other sites people have been saying that the Hyper is longer than the Tour Burner. If that is the case, why hasn't the Hyper X gotten more attention? It seems like it has slipped by un-noticed.
  8. Chris5573

    Mini Tour Play

    I don't want to give bad advice...but, when you are struggling w/putting, do you ever switch up your putter to something different, just to get a fresh feel? I am a 7hdcp, so it's not like I know everything...but for me, I have a Seemore and a 2-Ball. I play the Seemore all the time, when I struggle I switch it up for a few rounds. Just having a different look helps me get back on track. Whatever you end up doing, good luck dude.
  9. I am between these 3 drivers right now, this weekend I am going to hit them all on the launch monitor and see what the numbers look like. What do you guys think between these 3? At address, I like the look of the Hyper X a lot...I was surprised. I was originally just interested in the TB and G10, but the Hyper is now in the mix. My SS is around 95 and I usually play a reg shaft. If anyone has experience with any or maybe ALL of the above drivers, let me know what you think!
  10. Just a quick question...is the stock shaft in the Hyper X a littler firmer than the stock shaft in the Tour Burner? The Hyper stock reg flex is: Fit-On X by Fujikura and is 65g...the TB reg Flex is: Fujikura and weighs 60g. Does the 5g weight difference make it any firmer? I ask because I currently have the TB in reg flex, and I demo-ed the Hyper today. The guy fitting me said I could go with either reg or stiff in the Hyper, and I would think I'd get a little more distance with the reg. (SS=95).
  11. Also, one more thing and then I will leave this al one. With the CS Lite shafts on these irons...do they play weaker since they're so light? Is a reg weaker than a "normal" reg, and a stiff actually between reg & stiff?
  12. I have hit the MX-25, and I loved the feel of it...but I was to stay with something more forgiving than that. Do you think the i5's are more forgiving than the MX-25, or is it the other way around? I have always played a GI iron...which Pings, (i5 or g5), do you think is more comparable to the X-20's?
  13. My handicap is still showing as a 7.7, but that's because I have not played much lately...I'm more like a 10-12. I just sold my TM RAC OS-2's because I was planning on getting a set of Ping i5's. I have heard that the i5's would be a big step up for me though since I'm used to the offset of the OS-2's. Are the i5's still pretty forgiving, or are they really made for a TRUE single digit handicapper? I am starting to think I might be better off with the g5's...do any of you have experience with both? Are any of you in the mid handicap range and playing the i5's? What do you think about them? Thanks for any opinions!
  14. I know what you mean...I would really not consider blades, but I would consider cavity backs. I am a decent/average ball striker, so I know blades would kill me. Are any of you low handicappers with GI irons? I guess if you can hit greens and 1 putt more than 3 putt, the scorecard would be pretty good, right?
  15. I am currently playing TM RAC OS-2's, and I have about an 8 hdcp. I am always tempted to get a set of forged irons because I have demo-ed them and love the feel...but I am just not sure if the feel is worth losing the forgiveness of the OS-2's. I know that most low handicap players used cavity back or blades so they can work the ball, but I can't work it at all. In that case, am I better off just keeping my irons? When I think about it...if I hit a decent drive, then have an easy to hit iron to get on the green, it's just a matter of making some putts, right? I mean, is there any reason I couldn't get down to scratch playing with my current irons? Well, the reason could be me...but not the clubs...or is there something I'm missing?
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