Tiger showed us at the U. S. Open, that he is perfectly capable of beating the majority of the tour players with what may be FAR less than his A game. The man had a bad knee (which we knew) AND a DOUBLE STRESS FRACTURE!!!!! Do you actually REALIZE what that means? On a BROKEN LEG, this guy can rise to the top of a leaderboard and walk away with a "W."
This news does NOT bode well for the rest of the tour in a few different ways...
A) If you think people are going to be watching golf on TV anymore you can forget it. The magic just isn't going to be there. Does Joe Schmoe remember when Duffy Waldorf holes a 50 footer? Or when Miguel Angel Jimenez cups it from 160 for a deuce? Nope. Not happening. The ratings WILL fall as will Tour event purses as a direct result.
B) The players on the PGA tour are now going to be in a frenzy to win Major Championships without Tiger in the field. Now that isn't such a problem...BUT, when someone wins...ALL they are going to hear/think is "But what if..."
And these guys are GOOD at brushing off the things that are said to and about them. The REAL problem lies in the fact that when they get home with their Claret Jug or PGA Championship Trophy, they TOO will question whether or not they would have won IF Tiger had been in the field. AND THEY KNOW THE ANSWER.
C) Next season, Tiger Woods will return to the Tour and MOST-LIKELY have lost his #1 World Ranking. You know what that means...WATCH OUT Tour...He can beat you with a broken leg AND rust...Don't think for ONE SECOND that he will not rise up and re-establish himself as THE greatest and STRONGEST golfer that has EVER played the game.
-Brandon Garcia