Hi everyone
I am new to this site so this is my first post so hopefully there will some advice for me.
A little of my history will help you understand my problem
I have recently lost a lot of weight in total just over 100lbs (Iknow that mad) BUT since loseing the weight my swing has gone all over the place with my irons, my driver, fairway woods are very solid both off the tee and the fairway but my iron that is a totally different story.
My ball flight is week to say the least I am prone to hitting a massive slice almost a shank but you know when you hit the shank it rattles your arms my ball flight is just 45 degs off the face sometime high and right sometimes low and right.
It;s the same off the tee to off the fairway on the last few rounds I have started to notice my divots are a strange shape almost like an arrow head pointing straight forwardstarting just about the back of the ball but going to a point its almost as if there is wrist hinge at all so my club face hits the ball wide open.
And what can I do? does anyone have any drills to practice to try and get this back on track
Many thanks in advance