then again if you aren't playing competitively why not have some fun?? aiming for the center of the green will diminish my chances of getting hole in ones or eagles on the 4 and 5's. do you know where greatness comes from? it comes from being brave and taking chances. sure you have to walk through fire to get there but once your'e there you will be glad you did. I never want to be the guy to layup or punch my ball out to the center of the fairway instead of hooking my ball like Bubba did a couple years ago at the masters and landing on the green. You will never be remembered for playing safe, in order to be remembered you have to be the guy in the 4 some with the biggest cahones. Make some memories...go big or go home!
just like when the 3 point line was introduced into the nba. The 3ball wasn't utilized even close to as much as it is now. why? because the philosophy was why make a shot harder than it has to be? the answer...well because there is more reward. what is going to make you feel better, hitting a shot from 10 feet out? or draining one from beyond the arch??
are you that guy who cuts the corner on doglegs?? or are you the guy who plays safe and just puts it out there?