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  • Birthday 11/30/1980

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    Weekend Duffer

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  1. When I bought my X-20 irons I called callaway to register them and they sent me these as a gift. Ive had them on my cluds for two years and they are holding up nicely.
  2. It seems that there are quite a few people that use an open stance. Ill have to put some time in on the putting green to see if its for me. I have to try something at this point as putting is the worse part of my game. Thanks for the input everyone.
  3. I was wondering what kind of stance everyone uses when putting. The reason I ask is the other day while playing a round with a couple of guys I play in a league with one guy asked why I stand over the ball so much? The only thing I could answer with is that I figured that if my eyes are directly over the ball I should be able to see the best line to putt the ball at the hole. He then told me that if I open my stance a little bit and stand more upright it would give me a better chance of seeing the correct line and sinking more putts. Since that day I have been playing around with what he said but it doesnt seem to help me awhole lot and it actually feel kind of awkward. So the question I have is. What kind of stance does everyone use and how successful have you been with that stance. I know when it comes to putting everyone is different but I would like to try a couple of different methods and find the one that is right for me.
  4. This is pretty much what happened to me yesterday at my league night. It was our last week and my partner and I were in first place being 1 point up on the second place team. All both of us had to do was play our average round and just not blow up. I started off playing decent but then took a seven on a par 4 due to an irate approach shot sending off the green and down over a steep hill in the trees. It all went down hill after that and when it was all said and done I ended up shooting a 48. My previous rounds on the back nine being a 38,39,41,42 and If I would have shot a 44 I would have at least tied my match giving us enough points to play in the league championship next week. But like everyone has been telling me. Thats golf.
  5. There should be a serial number on the 8 iron by the hosel.
  6. Well Like the title states the last couple of rounds I have been hitting almost all of my iron shots fat. Before that my iron game was my strong point. Luckily for me my chipping and putting have been up to par or my last couple of rounds would have been horrible. I am trying to figure out what may have changed in my swing to all of sudden to start hitting everything fat. The only thing I have been working on lately is trying a more inside swing path with my driver to cure my slice. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance.
  7. I think you might have hit the nail on the head. A playing partner mentioned to me this year that instead of rotating on my backswing I was lifting up. So after correcting that I must not be rotating enough or shifting my weight. I think its time for some lessons. Its starting to get frustating correcting one thing and screwing up another.
  8. You must have misunderstood me. I noticed the distance change before I bought the new irons. All Of the distances are with my old irons. As for the weather, I noticed the distance change mid summer. I started using a stronger grip mid summer as well with my old irons.
  9. possibly. What exactly is a reverse pivot?
  10. Lately I have noticed that I have lost a about 10-15 yards in distance with my irons. With the season for me almost being over Im not going to try to correct it now but I wanted to get a little advice as far as what might be causing it. Before the yardage loss my 8 iron distance was 150-160. Now its probably about 135-145. I havent really went through a swing change this year but I have been using a slightly stronger grip. I wouldnt really worry about it but I would like to get as much distance as I can and its bothering me that I coming up that much shorter than I was before particularly with my wedges. I played a round Saturday and was 75 yards out. Before I was able to hit my sw 100 yds with a full swing. Saturday I hit my sw 70 yards with a full swing. Does anyone have any idea what I might be doing? By the way, I have only had the irons in my sig for a couple of weeks. The distances I am referring to above are with my original set of irons.
  11. Well I ended up buying the X-20 4-Pw off of timtheputterman on ebay for $310 shipped. I recieved them from ups yesterday and called callaway to verify that the clubs are authentic and everything turned out just fine. I realize the putterman has a good reputation but I wanted to be sure. The only problem I have now is that its currently 38 degrees outside so im not sure when I will be able to take them to the range. Although, I think it is supposed to be in the 50 or 60's this weekend so hopefully Ill be able to take them out. Thanks to everyone who has given me advice through this long process of buying new irons. Ill try to post here again after I am able to put in some range time with my new clubs. Thanks again.
  12. Thanks for the info WUTiger. After reading the info you posted it looks like I might be going with the X-20's. Thanks again.
  13. After Hitting a lot of clubs and doing a l lot of research Ive narrowed it down to these to iron sets. From what I have read and heard I cant go wrong with either of these. The price is about the same and I hit them both pretty much the same but the only thing that is bothering me with the X-20 are the uniflex steel shaft compared to the Tstep90 shaft with the R-7. When I hit both of the X-20 at golf galaxy I was hitting into a net about 10 yards or so in front of me so I could not see the ball flight. The R7 I hit about a month ago at golf galaxy and I hit into a simulator so I could see the ballflight but Im not sure how accurate it was. Basically what I am wondering is for the people who have hit both sets at a range where you can see your ballflight, How did the x-20 compare to the R-7? I hit my irons fairly high right now but it is the way I like it. Judging by the simulator I have a lower penetrating ball flight with the R7 which I think I could get used to. But with the x-20 Im not sure.
  14. I also have trouble hitting my 3w off the deck so I ended buying an Adams Boxer 3 Fairway Hybrid. I just got it in the mail saturday so I havent had a chance to hit it yet but its supposed to have the distance of a 3w but be easier to hit like a hybrid. I got it brand new off of ebay for $41 shipped so if I dont like it Im not out a lot of money. Hopefully I can hit it pretty well because I cant hit my 3w off of the deck to save my life.
  15. Well I ended up playing this past sunday and ended up with a 109. Normally I wouldnt be happy with that but I actually struck the ball pretty well. The penalty strokes I had to take from taking too many chances are what mostly drove my score up. The greens took a couple of holes to get used to as well. I played in a company golf outing saturday where they had just aerated the greens (holes and sand all over) so it was like night and day. Im hoping to play up there again in a couple weeks so hopefully Ill play smarter and lower my score. I couldnt imagine playing the course from the championship tees though. Playing the whites was definately long enough for me.
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