I guess I'm not really looking for the one and only answer. It seems that both Paul Wilson and Ben Hogan have very complete swing systems, from the grip all the way to the follow through, and I definitely want to work on all aspects of the golf swing, not just one. My question was more specific, and I think @Holein1 gave his perspective. I'd be interested to hear what you think about this particular part of the swing. Would you say you use "powerless arms?" I find it hard to believe someone can have their elbows as close together as Hogan recommends and still have them powerless. I know when I move them as close together as possible as he recommends, I definitely feel a tightness there. So there is the contradiction between the two methods, and I was wondering what your opinion is. Unless there is no contradiction, and I am misreading either Paul or Hogan's method.