I ditched these conepts for a while, but am back at it again. One thing I was not doing before when I was having trouble with my woods (and longer irons), was releasing the club through the ball. I believe I took the advice in the book to retain that wrist break way too literal, and was not allowing things to release. The driver is still iffy, but I've been hitting great iron shots, even with my 4 iron. I haven't been slicing the ball nearly as much. When I do hit a bad shot, it's usually a hook or a pull (maybe trying to force everything too much), which is actually fine with me after slicing the ball for the past 25 years!
One thing I would recommend is buying the DVD that Andy Brown has out now. The DVD is short (maybe 30 mins or so) and to the point. For me it was nice to see the moves, and the swing in action - the drawings in the book are nice, but leave a bit to be desired IMO.
I still don't know if I'm 100% convinced that this is the best method out there. But, one aspect that IS nice, is that this gives you distinct checkpoints throughout the swing, and you should be able to diagnose what went wrong if things do go wrong. Before, I would just swing, and then wonder what in the hell happened. One of the key checks for me has been lining up my shoulders to the target properly. I was always standing way too open, with my left shoulder pointed WAY to the left - in essence, boning myself before I'd start the back swing.
When I do execute this swing properly, it feels like and inside out swing, and I don't feel I'm coming over the top at all. Some of my iron shots even have a draw on them...stop the presses.....!