I have played for about seven years. I got down to 11 in the first years. Back then I had real solid iron shots with long distance and straight all the time. My treewood worked perfect.My misses was slice with driver, but not that often. Golf felt like an easy game and I was aiming for 5. Over the last five years much have happend, but not with my score. I started to hit heal shots, change my cobra blades to Cobra S3 to get more stable. However the last five year my irons have nerver been stable for more than a month at times.
I hav also been fighting with my driver. The slices are long gone instead it have been about solving hooking problem. Snaphooks, duck hooks and super high pull hooks. This year my driver have worked very well. Aiming a bit right and some weight on the inside of right heel and have the head behind the ball at the stilen giving my 300 straight yards. My misses are 250y slight hook, but only happens when there is tight out of bounds right.
My irons is a complete different story. I can hit some great straight shots and also power draw shots. But i also overdraw, snaphook, hook, pull and sometimes shank it. I nerver fade or slice. I have played 1000s of shots at the range to try find a solution, but dont succed. I also hook my fairwaywoods now days.
I sure I play my swing inside out and with a pretty strong grip. I have not changed this because the driver woorks so good and because I still hit the irons very nice evey now and then, but maybe I will have to make changes hear?