For myself it's been at least a three year S&T; ride.
I started with the Golf Digest article - I was on the range as soon as I read it - trying the pattern. I played that version for just over a year. Nice hits, and some improvement, but not a big drop in handicap - stuck around 14-15. It was self-taught.
Then I bought DVD set and got into the intricate details that weren't in the magaizines. A small game inprovement.
I took a live lesson at thegolfevolution with the S&T; guys Dave Wedzik and Steve Sieracki and saw big swing improvement - but scoring stayed the same - just a few bright spots.
My daughter bought the Plummer/Bennett book for me at Christmas and in the new golf year this spring I trecked to Erie for another full day clinic.
That journey - and a lot of work on all aspects of the game - has finally paid off.
My handicap started to drop in the middle of this summer. Better scores, better attitude - and many hours working at the range.
My handicap hit 10 (down from 14) RCGA index 8.3! That was my goal about 5 years ago - I never thought it would happen. Then I broke through and reached 9 for two weeks. That was because of scores under 80 - a couple of 79's, 78's and a personal best 77 in there.
I am 59 years old - my back feels better than ever and my game is in the best shape ever.
My shot shape is a fade. I can count on it. I can throw a push/draw with driver out there on some of the holes that need it and are wide enough - but a fade gets me into the fairway most times.
I feel I can do a lot to improve - my irons could be crisper; a few push/draws with my irons would be nice for sure. There are plenty of youtube videos and the forum at has golfers like you working on their S&T; swings and willing to offer advice for free. I thank them for their encouragment of my swing and for their video posts of their swings.
The other aspects of the game should not be lost - putting, short game and the mental game all have to be worked on besides the full swing.
Oh yes, you gotta believe!!
Tom L
Windsor, Ontario, Canada