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About Falbert

  • Birthday February 26

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  • Your Location
    Kingwood TX

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  • Plays: Righty

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  1. Have come back to the game after 24 year layoff & age 72. Taking lessons and have a Big Bertha driver, which I now consistently hit 180-185 yards with little dispersion. Family bought me a set of Callaway Big Bertha 4-AW set. Senior shafts Question is use a 3 fairway wood or 3 Hybrid or 4 hybrid even? Currently have only the driver and 4 iron and above, feel I need to fill in the gap Not really looking for distance but rather keeping the ball in play. Sorry for the history but wanted to frame question properly should mention that the teaching pro I use has been very good about not pushing me either way thanks
  2. Falbert


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