....So there I was....standing naked on the tee box of the 6th hole. Well I really wasn't naked but it sure felt like it since about 20 members of my family were on the back patio watching me tee off. My aunt and uncles house backs right up to the 6th hole and I knew everyone was going to be watching intently to make sure all that love, support, money, advice, and bragging they gave me as a junior golfer is paying off. Of course that was twenty years ago but that's neither here nor there. Anyway, back to my best shot of the week. So I'm standing there about to tee off thinking in my head that this isn't all that rough of a hole. 319 yards to the pin, minor dog leg left 250 out, with a green protected by a bunker and a few palm trees. This will be easy...I'll send it down the middle of the fairway a little light so I lay up for a nice shot to the pin...no biggie right??? Well I address the ball with great confidence in my shot making ability and just doggone know that my family will be really impressed with my game. During my long takeaway backswing I couldn't help but to feel that this was going to be an awesome impressive shot. With my wind-up complete, I start to swing for the ball. As a increase acceleration of the club, I feel un-stopable...this is going to be great. I'm almost to the ball...wait...something is wrong...something doesn't feel right...then...SMACK. As I hit through the ball, my heart sank, my stomach felt sick, and I felt ashamed. I look up and can't believe my eyes.....a snap hook.....grazed a palm.....bounces left.....and lands with massive force directly into my aunt and uncles roof-top airconditioner, then rolled with excitement down his roof, then down the patio awning and lands directly in front of my entire family. At this point I felt the 19th hole calling my name and wanted to get there as fast as I could. But instead, I sucked it up, got into the cart, and drove with much shame toward my ball. I could see in my family's faces the great disappointment. The golfer they once praised will now be the hack they don't know and will probably not want to associate with. They will probably want me to change my last name so there is no confusion as to who the real golfers are in our family. And I'm positive that my uncle will want me to return the golf clubs he gave me as a young boy, the very golf clubs I learned on, and the very golf clubs my boy will learn on. Well as I reach my ball, and get out of the cart with my best "I meant to do that" look, I see my uncle grinning at me ear to ear with a twinkle in his eye. What the heck is going on here, I just about destroyed his air conditioner and embarrassed the entire family....what the heck is he smiling at???? Well, I walk over to my ball and he's now laughing and says to me almost uncontrollably, "Haha...I just bet your aunt ten bucks that you would snap hook that sucker, and you sure as hell did...hahahaha. I told her that ever since you was a youngin' that everytime you had a little pressure on you, you got so excited that you got your hips through the ball early and snap hook it...hahahahha" At this point I didn't know whether to be relived or ticked off. I decided it would be better to be relieved. and relieved I truly was....until my uncle bet me twenty bucks that my next shot wouldn't land in the fairway. I'll leave the story alone and let you guys wonder how THAT turned out!!!