I've been Playing Golf for: 2 1/2 years My current handicap index or average score is: 12.8 My typical ball flight is: fade with driver, draw irons The shot I hate or the "miss" I'm trying to reduce/eliminate is: hitting it fat with irons, a push with driver
Have been happy with my progress since I started playing and would like to continue to improve.
Intend to use this thread to map progress and hold myself to account as I can get a bit distracted away from my prioritys and thats something I'm looking to improve.
This time last year I was much flatter on backswing and ott on downswing. Also had a big overswing, so I'm pleased I’ve improved that. However I think I'm still looking a bit cramped on backswing and trail arm is getting behind me?
Grateful for advice on that or another glaring priority piece!