I made the stencils by taping wax paper to a clip board, I then took 3in painters tape over he wax paper. Next I printed off digital camo onto paper with 1/4 inch squares and taped that over the tape and wax paper. Then used a razor to cut the paper out making sure I cut the tape and wax paper. Then you peel the wax paper off and place the sticker(tape) where you want it.
To paint it I sanded the driver down and taped it off. Then sprayed a primer on it. Then you use the lightest of the three colors first. Once that dries you place some stencils where you want them, making sure they are all going the same way. I squared mine off the face. Then you spray the second lightest color and let that dry. Place some more stencils on and spray the last color. Then you take off all the stencils you put on and you can either use a female stencil to place some more of the dark color places(I could put some out towards the toe in the pic where the light color is big) Once you are finished you use a clear coat to protect the finish and you are done. If I put a sticker on by the face as an alignment arrow I would have put that on before coating it.
I used a lacquer paint and it holds up great. It only got damaged due to the weight on top of it and the bumping around while driving 13+ hours home from Florida.