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  1. BTW,I didn't say consistently, but by the fact that you say 25%,it recongnize the fact that I am capable and I could repeat it,which was all I intended and said and that others wouldn't even credit me with.The fact that I am not big in stature,you would think I would be allow some leeway when I say it is technique and This is a thread about how do they hit it so far,not how good of a player are you right now and if you are 230,not much technique involved,but when you are not even 150 lbs,you better know how to maximize your power potential and trust me I have another gear and that was just a routine swing to see myself and where I am with my swing after a 3 year layoff but anyways... Fine you guys win. I am done.I gave good effort to explan keys to power which I could trace back pretty scientifically to connection,plane and whip but obviously you guys don't care and I am disscussing golf and just defending myself with facts.If you can't distinguish things that are factual from the BS,what does that say about your knowlege of golf or you as a person in general?? I guess you guys are more interested in studing other people's positons and admiring them than thinking outside of the box and figuring out how to do it yourself.I am out. BTW,this forum is a great example of attacking the poster and not the post.
  2. well,before you hit it long at the course, you have to practice hitting it long at the range,you know that is what the pros do know. I don't need a bucket,just need 10 balls to warm up and I have an exact idea what i want to accomplish,which probably explain why I could swing as hard as I want and still have some semblance of consistency. I don't study PGA swings much but this I know,ascending blow struck on more toward top part the clubface will give you max distance. That is beyond PGA,that is science and laws of physics. I am going to ask you a simple question- can you get to that PGA average angle of attack and how do you get there??You talk about stuff and "positions" that you have no idea how to get to and what good does that do you? Thing is I know exactly why I pull or push,or hook. I could hit it high,hit it low,draw it fade it and I have 1/2 swing,3/4 swings I have an exact idea of how to get there.Not sure of I would practice everything if I was to be serioius about playing on a course regularly,but it is fun and that in the end is all this should be-just fun.
  3. I will stop with the pissing contast and I will only answer to serious questions. Look,I get frustrated becasue when I play or practice people are swinging the hack out of the club and have no idea what they are doing. One of the keys to power is understanding release. A release happens when your joints connect and extend. RIght hip joints connecting to right elbow will create a release.All power swings have hip close to the right elbow during later part of the downswing. One can understand many things just by examining the right elbow. I will give you an example.Just with your right arm free, create the 90 degree like you do on a normal swing,get your right elbow ahead in an inside out matter.Basically **throw** your right arm inside out and slightly ahead of your starting position. IT will give you an forearm rotation. If you go outside in, no rotation until much later after the starting point or inother word close to impact postion.Ever wonder why it is so advantageous to go inside out or to relax your arm?? It will allow you to throw and rotate the right joint, both huge keys in power. Look, if one understand how the human joint rotate and connect just focus on the right elbow and how it intereact with the body,one can deduce how to release the right elbow by using the lower body or core. Example,if you swing up with the right elbow,it will give you an rotation of the forearm,BUT rotation will occur much earlier than the starting position,meaning you have to add some forward movement of the body,so that you have rotation and impact position. Another example,if you closely attach your right elbow to your body on the backswing,and attack the ball with your core and get it to impact position,it will carry the right elbow and give it a good rotation of the forearm. A good way to shorten your swing and still retain power and probably the most consistent swing. Look focus on the right elbow,throw it,get it ahead inside out,outside in etc...........understand how that works and how it intereact with the body and how it connect to the body and how the release is basically the joints connecting and extending and than you will gain easy power..... Done correctly the joints connect and than rotate.Understand that and you probably never have to take a lesson .I can manipulate planes like crazy because i understand how the human joints intereact and if one understand how the right elbow functions,it will definetly be a great starting point . Look I did this because I thought it would be fun, but I don't really appreciate the cynicism when I know I could simplify things for many and golf is not random as many people think. Not sure anymore if this is even worth the effort or "fun".
  4. Uh,that was my last official handicap,and that was like 8 years ago. UGH, If you play 4 rounds in the last 3 years,You wouldn't want to bet that kind of money.Look,if at a time where you play where 1/3 of the time you are shooting par or under at over average slope courses than you are a plus. There are nothing that I am saying which isn't factual. I never said i am great right now,but give me a month where I could play 2 or 3 times a week,and than I'll be confidant,but it is time I have nor care to spend.This is just getting to be a pissing contast. The topic was how do they hit it long not,and I am hoping for a discussion but you guys want to turn it in to how well I am playing right now.I know I have some simple and interesting thoughts that could help some folks and that is why I am posting.
  5. Nope,lets do this. Like I said, I don't play much anymore,and I already mentioned a three year layoff.I don't bet on something unless I am sure,who knows you could be a sandbagger,but I will bet that money if you come to Hacienda Heights and go to the range I mess around at to see if my 290carry is true or not.
  6. People do what is fun for them. For me,been there,done that.I am in my 40s done scratch,probably been plus. Shot 69-70 in PGA playing ability. Btw,That is verifyable, and I dare you put money down on that. Anyways don't have time to play much anymore,so I mess around at the range. I was hoping to share some knowlege but people like you really make it not worth the while. Are you guys here to discuss golf or mock people?? You know like the adult way to deal with people when you doubt people's sincerety or knowlege is to ask some questions first. You know like I am going to ask you how lag is created or how or what is a release.Just simple questions. Time to google.Funny that you have the audacity .
  7. No I am a ball striker and always been a ball striker.Crappy putter. I use to eat 2 handicaps for Launch.I am being modest when I say I am a 2.3. I have not had a official handicap for years. SHows you what you guys know about a swing. The flat bottom and ascending blow is what counts.On my short irons I go straight up and down.Drive the ball on the fairway and hit short irons and that is how you score and I do both well. Really good driver of the ball because of the flat bootom and ascending blow which obviously you guys don't understand and I could hit wedges. Like I said, I would like the more knowlegeable folks on this forum to call me a liar on that swing or what I am saying. You guys are so off. I am going to post another swing soon and it is going to be much better- you can count on it. I change swing like I change cloths.and when I do, I expect apologies. I am taking names you know.
  8. Here is the thing I don't get about lot of folks. I have 3 guys mocking me already on stuff I know I could do and have demonstrated to a few folks at the place I practice at, but they don't want to know why. They rather mock something they don't understand. There is a way things work and it is an technique to hitting the ball far,and I don't lost power from day to day because I UNDERSTAND HOW IT WORKS but just because you don't understand , does not mean it does not exist. Consistency is hard but power is actually pretty simple to me. Seperation and connection and hitting a wall. You are trying to create as much seperation between the upper and lower body. Get lower body to impact postion than hit the wall and stop.This will create seperation. The upper body and elbow than will catch up and connect with the right hip which will create the snap and rotation of the forearm.AND THE MORE YOU GO INSIDE- OUT THE MORE FOREARM ROTATION YOU GET,another key to power.Not saying it is the only way but for skinnier guys like me who are not particularly strong who want power, we have to create the seperation and snap and get the hip ahead first. Look I don't mean to sound lime an arrogant !@#$,but a simple key is to get your right elbow as close to your right hip as possible at slot without losing the wrist cock. I doubt either of the folks that mock me do it nor understand it. few amature actually do it and all pros do it. IF you just do that,the pros maybe 30-40 years ahead of you,but what like the average male drives the ball like 200,210,220. That is just rediculous.
  9. Well,first of all, I am in the top 10% of the golfer in the world. Not PGA,but general golfer. Secondly, Notice I said I carry the ball 290 regularly. I did not say that is what I average,meaning I could repeat that swing and I have an exact ideal what I am doing.if you want to make that bet, if you are ever in the LA area. I'll gladly take your money.And here is the video, i posted earlier, and that fence is about 50-60 foot high and 260 away.I am still working on my swing after a three year layoff and I agree it is a crappy swing that I need to work on but i love for the more knowlegeble folks on this forum to say that is not a power swing. I routinely hit that fence 30,40 and sometimes 50 feet up,check out the lauch angle on the video. I live in Hacienda Heights and the locals know where that range is and I doubt anyone there will call me a liar. Lastly, if you are 5'10" and 230 and average 250-260, I would probably keep that to myself.And I love for you to post yor swing,maybe we can figure out why you are not maximizing your power potential.
  10. Holy, a rare high handicap problem. Your right elbow is wayyyyyyyyy ahead of your right hip and in fron of your body. Usually for high handicaper it is other way around. Anyways, a very simple thing about golf . The right elbow connect with the right hip at slot and the club should free ride and release from there. What you need to do is connect your elbow and hip when your shaft is pointing toward the target and about waist high. Tons of ways to fix but the quickest and dirtiest way is simply practicing speeding up your hip so they connect with the elbow at slot. Don't have to swing hard just get the right hip and right elbow connected and you'll be suprised how far the ball goes when you do it right.
  11. The key thing about hitting down is that you have to do it from top of the backswing and you have to time it well.Another thing is that most folks don't start their swing from the core.Start from the core and you probably won't dig even if your timing is off. I actually go straight up on the shoulder turn and straight down with the hip on 3/4 wedges.When I do it right, I could even make range balls dance.
  12. --Btw, it is not perfect swing.A power swing could be full of compensations,actually a perfect swing is probabably less a power swing. Do you understand how to release a club?? Do you understand how to create forearm rotation.Not do it by habit,but how a forearm release is created. Do you know how to create lag consiciously??.
  13. 5'9" 150 lbs and I carry the ball 290 regularly so you do the math.If I have longer arm and torso, that would actually be more important in having power. LIke I said power Is not a big deal. Most people don't have power becasue they don't understand how to swing a club. It is not fitness, It is more technique than anything. I could swing 3/4 and 80 percent be longer than 95 percent of the guys who play golf. Most longer hitter could swing easy and still be long.
  14. It really doesn't matter how far they hit the irons. I mean some of the taller players like Phil probably have shaft that are longer than standard and if you get like the wind behind you that is at least a club plus the ball usually rolls a bit.Now going by 15 yard gap for most advance players,it probably be more impressive if he hits a 265 yard 3 iron or carry the ball 325 yards, but I am not sure how many players could actually carry it 325 with a regular length shaft. And honestly I am not impressed by their power, if I was their size, I probably hit it as long if not longer than they do. I mean you just have to understand lag and whip and creating coil and delaying the realease and connection, and trust me if I don't know how to do anything else in golf, I understand how that works and it is actually pretty simple concepts but they are just really hard to repeat.
  15. holy, that is a lot of swaying.A bow left wrist at top is not a death sentence,I have it too and I am sure plenty of of guys do it on tour.It is just a bi- product of a strong grip and elbows being too far apart.Keep your right and left elbows closer together on the backswing and voila!! Bigger problem,I don't know any guy on tour that sways that much,pretty hard to time,but just as I thought you are not getting your body level ,you are leaning slightly backward on an inside out plane and that produce a hook.Not getting through the ball and extending that is why you can't maintain a finish . Quick and dirty- stay more level with your hip and make sure you get through the ball.
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