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Everything posted by MrLeek

  1. Day 42: May 7 A short drills session, continuing to work on backswing and maintaining the correct wrist angle at the top of the backswing.
  2. Day 41: May 6 Lesson followed by range time. Looked at my stance/alignment when the ball is above or below my feet and understand what I should be doing. Club path continues to improve; it’s still a little too much out-to-in by default with a 7-iron, but if I focus on controlling the club path I can bring it to neutral. It’s still not an instinctive thing, but it’s far more consistently playable. Also did plenty of work with my driver during my range time (I’ve been focusing on 3-wood/hybrid in recent weeks). The shot shape is sometimes starting too far to the left, but it does come back to the right to my original alignment. Alternatively it’s a more “normal” fade (arguably drifting a little too far to the right). But it’s arguably playable; align centre-left of the fairway and swing away. Which is both a scary and reassuring feeling - nine months ago I was petrified of my driver. I’m now wondering if I can use it reliably in anger…
  3. Day 40: 5 May After a day off (double-shift in work) played 18 holes. Played lots of good golf - it was on line for a new PB until a blowup on the 12th & 13th. But this happened after an excellent 9-hole run so plenty of things to be positive of. My big takeaway has been thinking about how I respond to a potential blow up on a hole. If I’ve played a shot and put myself into serious trouble, I have to be completely focused on minimising the potential damage. The recovery shot is only part of that: get back into play and then really focus on the next 2-3 shots to give myself the best chance of minimising the damage. My reaction to a bad shot is fine (I don’t get significantly annoyed with myself) but my response needs work.
  4. Day 39: May 3 Back to drills, focusing again on backswing and transition. Correct (flat) left wrist position at the top, a full deep turn (which I find makes it difficult for me to overswing) and “right elbow into my ribs” coming down.
  5. Day 38: May 2 Played 18 holes and set a new PB, despite recording an eight(!!) on the 1st! Put the hole out of my head (I just laughed it off), knuckled down and played a good chunk of golf. Some bad shots here and there but minimised the damage and moved on.
  6. Never posted a bogey round before (+18) or better. Come close a few times and my game performance has been heading in the right direction, making the goal achievable this year for certain. But after recording an eight(!!) on the opening par-4 today I wouldn’t have put much money on it happening today…. Played the rest of the round at +14 gross to record a new PB round. Still made mistakes. Still hit some bad shots, primarily approach play. But also hit some great shots, especially off the tee (which has long been a weakness) and my short game and putting went well (just one 3-putt). It’s given me a big boost. The practice I’m doing is working. I just need to keep going!
  7. Day 37: May 1 A short practice session in a practice net (30 shots or so) working on developing & maintaining the correct club path. This was followed by a longer short game practice session, working on ball striking and distance control of 1/4 and 1/2 wedge shots (both GW and SW). After a slightly shaky start, ended up with some tight dispersions; recent play has been plagued by inaccurate pitch shots so good to see the consistency coming through. Edit: just read my faux pas about bulk posting. Won’t happen again @iacas 🫣
  8. Realised that I’ve fallen behind on my updates… Day 33/34: Apr 27/28 Essentially a duplicate practice: at-home drills, working on takeaway and transition, continuing to groove the correct swing path. Day 35/36: Apr 29/30 Range sessions. Sat started well, but went downhill midway through due to poor ball striking. Much better session today; returned to my focus of not overswinging (for me that’s an overcocking of my wrists which results in opening the clubface). There’s still excessive left-to-right ball movement with 3-wood, but it’s a lot better than it was six months ago.
  9. Day 32: 26 Apr Continued with backswing & transition drills followed by an indoor putting session. Finished with a couple of sets of resistance band training.
  10. Day 31: 25 Apr Played 14 holes (we skipped 7-10 for time constraints). Short game was hit and miss; I need to spend some time recalibrating my distance control on part-wedge shots, or at least have a good practice session or two on them. Off the tee….couple of questionable shots but on the whole generally good. My pre-shot routine of a practice swing to get the right feel of correct swing path seems to help.
  11. Day 30: 24 Apr Golf lesson, focusing on understanding the feels I’m getting from a neutral -> in-to-out swing path. A tweak in my feeling of where the club is going post impact took a -2 to -3 swing path to a near-perfect swing path. I’m still losing it a little when it comes to fairway woods, but I understand where I’m trying to go with the club. Also talked about pre-shot routine and having a single swing thought at most; creating a clear picture of what I’m trying to do with the shot.
  12. Day 29: 23 Apr Range session (100 balls) trying to turn drills into results. Plenty of practice swings between shots, trying not to over-swing (key swing thought for the session). There’s a slight loss of distance, but what appears to be far more control. Naturally there’s some bad shots in there - I had to remind myself of my key swing thought midway through the session - but overall the results were really positive. Also yay for reaching week 5 of daily practice!
  13. Day 27: 21 Apr Played 18 holes at home course (did some backswing drills before I left). Setting aside the 11th, when I basically forgot how to play golf….I played -3 under handicap. Plenty of nice golf, recovered well from bad situations. Off the tee needs to be improved - that’s key to me making my next big step. Day 28: 22 Apr Continued with backswing drills, making a full turn and trying to prevent an overswing. Combined that with transition maintaining the feel of right elbow in my side.
  14. Day 26: 20 Apr More backswing drills, focusing on making a full turn and not overswinging.
  15. Day 25: 19 Apr Series of backswing drills both before and after golf lesson. My feeling that I’m overswinging which is opening the face (courtesy of extending my left wrist) was confirmed during the lesson. Worked on a more compact swing that still means a full turn, but the effect is to reduce my ability to overswing. It’s resulting in better ball striking, with minimal early release. Also got a comparison with a video of my golf swing today compared with 11 months ago (in a very early lesson). It’s night and day different. Way over the top with a crazy open face. I honestly wonder how I was even hitting the ball this time last year!
  16. Day 23: 17 Apr Continuing with backswing/transition drills to improve and maintain a better clubpath. Day 24: 18 Apr Played full round of golf. Some silly mistakes through a lack of concentration over a particular shot. Decision making process is improving, but need to make sure I’m identifying the best place to put the ball for my next shot - and giving myself the best opportunity to achieve that. Still need to address the open clubface at impact; it’s hurting my tee shots in particular. I think the issue is I’m opening the face at the top of the backswing possibly because I’m overswinging. Lesson tomorrow and I’ll focus on that during my daily drills.
  17. Day 22: 16 Apr More Indoor putting practice on mat, focusing on short putts. Also continued with my backswing/transition drills to continue trying to groove the inside-path I’ve been trying to make consistent.
  18. Day 21: 15 Apr Indoor putting practice on mat, focusing on making a positive stroke for 2ft -> 4.5ft putts.
  19. Day 19: 13 Apr More practice drills, working on backswing and transition. Trying to understand the “feel” I’m getting if/when the club path is neutral versus excessively over-the-top. Day 20: 14 Apr Played 18 holes (was late arriving at the course so a few warmup swings then started to play). Didn’t do a bad job overall. Things to work on: be more positive over short putts and avoid tentative strokes; “every shot matters”: I’ve got the right attitude for the shot that just happened, but I need to completely focus on the next shot.
  20. Day 18: 12 Apr Golf lesson followed by range time. Continuing to improve my club path; it’s still a bit too much out-to-in but it’s light years better than it was and the overall trend is good. Chatted through some swing thoughts - largely confirmed that im sometimes leaving the clubface way open at impact, but haven’t really got to the root cause of it. Range time spent practicing a lot of 3-wood and 4-hybrid, continuing to build confidence in myself and my golf swing.
  21. Day 17: 11 Apr More takeaway/backswing practice, focusing on making a full turn and putting the club in the “right place” at the top. Also worked on transition, trying to maintain the sensations that I’ve been working on with my coach through impact of an imaginary ball.
  22. Played on Easter Monday. Windy day (15mph with gusts of 25+) and drizzle the first few holes. Made triple-bogey on the 2nd and 12th….and was +5 on the 13th! Three off the tee (lost ball) and sent that into a lateral hazard. Despite that I still played -2 nett for the entire round! Six GIRs (new PB), five pars & eight bogeys (both gross). Ignoring those bad three holes….I went round in +12 gross. Slightly miffed at not playing bogey golf the entire round (which would have been a PB round), but also delighted that the practice is paying off and that I didn’t fall apart the last five holes.
  23. Day 14/15: 8/9 Apr A few minutes of takeaway practice on day 14, a longer repeat of the same on day 15. Since I’m sometimes leaving the clubface open at impact I want to make sure I’m not introducing the issue by the top of my backswing. Lesson on Wed will focus on understanding why/when I’m opening the face. Day 16: 10 Apr Played 18 holes and went -2 nett. This was despite blustery conditions (15 mph with gusts of 25+ mph) and two blowup holes on 12 & 13 where I shot +8 gross. Whilst saddened slightly at not posting a new PB I’m delighted at how I played the rest of the round, including not letting the disaster on 12/13 bother me. Played the last 5 holes +3 gross.
  24. Day 13: 7 Apr played 18 holes…and played to my handicap. Despite playing what felt like questionable golf on times. But stuck at it, kept trying to play good golf and gave myself opportunities (putting was off today). I need to develop a repeatable preshot routine so that I’m always putting myself in the right place to play the golf shout that I should be visualising (which also needs to become a clear consistent thing).
  25. Day 12: 6 Apr Large bucket of range balls, working on reducing/fixing my early release and some practice with new 4 hybrid and 3 wood to try and get better consistency (driver is very much a work in progress!). The two clubs are getting there, just need to practice and practice some more! Used the trackman at the range to play 9 holes at PGA National (off sensible tees) and was -4 nett. Obviously not the same a real-life, but continues to boost my confidence.
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