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Everything posted by sixiron
Thanks Klineka why cos I like to see the snowflakes make bogies. the commentators like to spin it! There battling it out! but it is what it is! Poke holes in my opinions and preferences? more power to ya! Go for it!
Tolling? I was unformed that this is a discussion forum and therefore we are all trolling! Thanks BTW: are the three stooges wearing “proper golf attire? Are knickers required? Must we wear a funny hat? or is that unorthodox?
Yes the open, is it weird to watch golf this late at night until ten pm? just curious but is this course super sandy, hitting irons don’t make flying divot as usual but instead the ground explodes with a cloud of dust? anybody notice? thanks
Then they should get equal time? Right that was my point Xander got ignored in favor of fowler Thanks
I said after round “one”!
No leader after round one they we’re tied for the lead
On the pga app it was all Fowler
Why did Fowler get all the attention and camera time? there were two players tied for the lead after the first round. Why call it an open if you have to qualify? defeats the purpose! but then again the USGA is always defeating the purpose of golf, taking all the fun out of it! thanks
But why the mystery? proper golf attire required, but then never say what constitutes “proper golf attire? golf has rules but does anyone really know what they mean, or why, it’s all very mysterious! how can you hit a ball out of a bunker without grounding your club? is ok for men to wear ladies golf attire? It’s “proper golf attire”! lady golfers! That’s a whole nother rabbit hole! thanks
Ole school bag: I play ole school rules and equipment and methods, as if anybody really cares, Traditional irons, Traditional putter 3 woods and a sand iron. Not metals, hybrids, or wedges, I don’t even own one. I chip and pitch ole school with a low iron like the games great players of the good ole days. TRADITION! Ole school rules, equipment, and methods. Just a game, it’s meant to be fun, I’ve played the modern way and found it to be a giant migraine headache, no fun at all, I think the USGA exists only to Take all the fun out of the game of golf! Remember just my preferences and opinions that boogylicious asked for! Remember it’s a discussion site, we all give our opinions and preferences and discuss them so you can’t call me troll, if everyone’s a troll. No one is forcing you to reply, it’s a free country, for now anyway!
I would like to see a golf tournament based on tradition, the ancient and accepted rules of Golf! Oldest rules of Golf! Play the course as you find it! NEVER touch anything! Play the ball where it lies! Period! Unplayable ball: A player always has the ability to declare his ball unplayable and must return to the tee and start over counting all stokes made. Don’t spout your modernist non-sense that “rules of golf permit it! The PGA & the USGA’s modern, namby pamby “rules of golf” constantly violate tradition and the oldest rules of Golf! Man up! Man law! Play the game the way it was meant to be played, the usga will have us all wearing panties if this keeps up! No relief: No marking and raising: No cleaning: No obstructions: Never allowed to put into a flagstick: No repairs to the course: No practicing after teed up: No lining up the ball between you and the hole: No special situations or local rules: (preferred tees etc.) Just a game, it’s meant to be fun, I’ve played the modern way and found it to be a giant migraine headache, no fun at all, I think the USGA exists only to Take all the fun out of the game of golf! Remember just my preferences and opinions that boogylicious asked for! There is no direct competition in golf: Regardless of how the commentators spin it, even in a playoff, each player is playing against the course not each other.
How would you know I have not been allowed to make known my real feelings and preferences or opinions? don he did say my question was “silly” silly debate about long pants and shorts, which I had no intention of starting a debate some one else did that don Want to know my real opinion about Rory not winning the tournament today i doubt it
Good point no problem here! don they did call me a troll and say my question was silly is that ok?
Then they really should take down the “welcome everyone” sign Do they really they really mean welcome mr nice guy now sit down and shut up? if you are banned for honesty what does saying “I hate tiger woods get you”? Drawn and quartered? Notice I did not say I hate tiger woods, I only asked a question Maybe asking questions is what is forbidden can’t imagine what’s gonna happen when I make my views about the modern rules of golf, modern equipment, and modern techniques and methods known? And you don’t know so don’t guess that I oppose them, I may very much approve them these are questions not accusations I’ve been on many forums, sports, politics, religion it’s all the same, are they really here to be a welcoming community or to crucify you? question not accusation don See already been told my question about golf attire shorts and long pants is quote “silly” And accused of trolling for asking a simple question?
I accused no one I only asked questions I just want to know where I stand? don
Thanks why does liv golf allow shorts but not the pga? I thought they merged? thanks don
Is “proper golf attire” actually in the modern rules of golf?
If I as on this forum before it was years ago and I can’t remember this is why I wanted to know ahead of time Not a troll, a troll seeks a response I don’t care if anyone responds or not Fair and just is good i did not call anyone names that’s not just and fair I don’t know who anyone even is in this site, so I can’t really accuse them, or you, I only asked questions A few more questions if you don’t mind are personal attacks on the pro’s allowed? such they are cupcakes and snowflakes who think it’s owed to them to win every time? Thanks Don
Score card read; Proper golf attire required: Is that in the rules? What is proper golf attire? (Which commandment is it) Who decides what “proper golf attire is”? Is church attire ok? “Cutoffs, tank top, with flip flops” Does a redneck golfer always have to wear blue jeans, a shirt with no sleeves and a red hat? Is it unorthodox to golf without a hat on? Thanks Don
No usually I say what Ralph the female Monroe brother carpenter on green acres says: howdy doody! I would like to know beforehand about these things, cos ain’t in the rules or code of conduct! Question: what’s it take to get banned on this site? Answer: honesty? Are we allowed to have and voice our unorthodox views? (Is freedom of speech guaranteed by the constitution everywhere except for golfing forums?) Are golfers allowed to have an opinion? What good is an opinion if you cant share it? thanks p.s. “Putt straight” are all moderators unjust control freeks? Or just those on golfing forums? don
Howdy folks! sixiron