Ah wow, look at all those posts.
Sorry guys, haven't really been on here that much anymore since golf season is over:
Recieved a PM from subseventyguy about the belt when I filed a paypal dispute. It appears I was dealing with two different people. I was dealing with one on a paypal dispute who was slow to respond to my questions, but did so later on.
Then Subseventyguy emailed me personally and apologized for the mishap. After all this I do appreciate their customer service. Because I never got my first belt, he sent out another white belt for me, and at no charge included an extra black belt! I was really happy with that. He also sent me a tracking # so I could track the package this time.
Again I apologize for the title of this thread, as it is definatly misleading. I was just really frustrated at the time and Posted a stupid title. Of course I don't feel the same way anymore.
Should have my belt soon.
Although I am slightly concerned with the tracking as soon as I saw this:
Type: Package
In Transit
Shipped To: WINNIPEG,
, CA
Shipped/Billed On: 06/10/2008
Service: GROUND
Weight: 1.00 Lb
It says NS which I presume stands for Nova Scotia. When it should infact be Manitoba. (MB) I'm sure that will effect shipping.