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About sabanist

  • Birthday 11/30/1977

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Your Golf Game

  • Index: 26.0
  • Plays: Righty

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  1. When you say you discovered Dave pelz, what did you do? REad one of his books or attend a golf school or something?
  2. I'm 33, and I've been an off and on player since 12. But I'm currently on a streak where I've played the most golf I've ever played in a 6 month span. I still don't have an official one, although I should. But really I didn't keep an accurate score until just this past year. And boy when I did, it was humbling but enlightening. I also cut my scores by nearly 15 strokes when I started playing honest john golf. And that took a couple weeks. It's amazing how much you improve when you actually realize how bad you are. Golf course management is huge i've discovered. My swing is my swing. It's not great but it's consistent. I know that I'm going to push most shots right, so I aim at left targets. I'm still improving and I can't wait to play tomorrow.
  3. Good advice I think with the short game. It will give him the opportunity to gain confidence and he will have something to look forward to when we go to the course. I really want him to love the game as it will give us something to do together. I don't want to force it on him though. he mentioned that he wanted to get started so that's a good sign. so instead of filling his head with erroneous info becuase I'm not that great myself, I am paying a pro. I remember when I got started in the game. I just took my dads old clubs when I was about 12 and played my uncle's course over and over. then in high school I started playing with friends. Maybe just let nature take it's course.
  4. He's 12, not real athletic. Anyway, I've signed him up for an 8 lesson package at the local club and thus far he has completed 2. He's just now getting interested in it and never has gone with me to play in his life until now. Anyway, I take him to the range with me now (so far twice) and both times he just seems to be out there hitting balls and not focusing on what he's doing. He finishes his bucket in 1/2 the time it takes me. I've tried to give him tips before but he doesn't listen to me when it comes to stuff like that. He is pretty skinny and I can tell the club is heavy in his hands. So now I have him doing at least 100 practice swings everyday in the small backyard we have. Is there anything else anyone can tell me on a good way to get him playing and not get so discouraged he quits.
  5. OK, I tried some of the tips some of you reccommended and I appreciate the input, but all that serously screwed up my swing. I tried to not break my wrist so soon in the back swing and I don't know why but unless I have the club pointing at the sky at the 8 or 9 o clock position, I will NOT hit it consistently. I also tried to make my shoulder turn more up and down rather than flat, and that resulted in some shots straight, some shots left, some shots right, no shots long. Like I said, I appreciate the input, but it looks like Im going to have to go see a pro.
  6. When you say flip, what exactly do you mean? And I can see that my arms need to be more extended at impact and closer together, but how does one not put the club head straight into the ground by doing that. I mean won't it lower the club head another 3 or 4 inches if I am at full extension?
  7. I will invoke my right to silence on that one.
  8. Thanks for the reply, I'll try moving the ball out a bit and see what happens. When i say release I mean casting. I watched my swing in slow motion and at about waist height on the downswing is when my wrist breaks. I'll check out the links you posted If I don't consciously think about rotating my forearms through the swing and just let it rip. The ball will push right, sometimes grossly. But if I tell myself to roll those forearms on the downswing, I hit it either dead straight or it fades. Either way I usually aim for a left flanking bunker on drives and approach shots. If I mishit it, it usually is a fat shot. Rarely top it or hit it thin. Almost never hook or draw the ball.
  9. 5 iron 1. On Irons I seem very hunched over, not standing up straight enough imo. 2. On the back swing I notice that I go even further down as my club goes up. Judging from the tape, it's at least a 3 inch drop 3. My shoulder turn is great but it seems my wrist is cocked at the top of my swing, leading to the shaft going perpindicular with the ground instead of parallel. 4. My tempo is steady which is good I think. It doesn't appear that I rush the swing. 5. My release looks early, which could be the reason I don't get as much distance as my playing partners. I think if I can get these addressed I will significantly increase my distance and ball striking ability.
  10. Well, today I had my wife video my swing. I have known for quite some time what a good swing looks like but what you THINK you swing like and what you ACTUALLY swing like are two different things. The results were pretty enlightenling and as soon as I am able, I will post the video of it. But what I gather by looking at it is a few things: 1. On Irons I seem very hunched over, not standing up straight enough imo. 2. On the back swing I notice that I go even further down as my club goes up. Judging from the tape, it's at least a 3 inch drop 3. My shoulder turn is great but it seems my wrist is cocked at the top of my swing, leading to the shaft going perpindicular with the ground instead of parallel. 4. My tempo is steady which is good I think. It doesn't appear that I rush the swing. 5. My release looks early, which could be the reason I don't get as much distance as my playing partners. I think if I can get these addressed I will significantly increase my distance and ball striking ability. Another thing I have been working on this week is club face at impact. I hit alot of balls that pushed right, some WAY right, so I started keying on the swing thought of "rolling my forearms" on the downswing. The result was MUCH straighter shots.
  11. I have recently started golfing again after a couple of years of no playing. I have never been any good but I've made a commitment to get better and play consistently. I now play twice a week. I am an honest golfer however and take no liberties as far as the rules go on the course. So with that said, I shot a 102 day before yesterday. which is about 10 strokes better than the week before, and about 25 strokes better since I started back about 3 months ago.
  12. 6 iron from about 173 in the long rough, sittin up. No wind to speak of. Green was tucked between a bunker in front and a bunker from the left (which is where I approached from) I hit a natural fade to slice so I aimed at the left flanking bunker and let her rip. Ball stopped about 16 ' from the pin. I 2 putted for par.
  13. I'm a federal LEO
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