Hello everyone. I'm new to the site, but not golf. I haven't played in a long time(over 3 years) but did take a few lessons sometime ago. I'm 27 years old, 6'2", 175 lbs, and have been lucky enough to be athletic and successful at any sport I've attempted. But golf is another story! It's for that reason that the game interests me. Anyway, enough about that. When I was playing before I had a "nice" Wal Mart set. I'm looking for some direction on a good set of clubs. Nothing too advanced or too beginner. Something I can have for a while. Doesn't need to be brand new, just quality. I've been reading this forum and have found good info. I know everyone has different opinions, but whats my best bet. When I was playing, I seemed to be very good at putting, but the rest of my game was sporadic at best. Looking forward to suggestions and getting back in the game. Thanks in advance!