This is a follow up question to a post I made last night. I was asking which company you all thought made the best 'feeling' golf clubs and from all of the answers you gave me I gathered that there was no right answer, that feel is personal and subjective. So, now I am curious as to what it is about your favorite feeling club that makes it just that, your best feeling club... is it sound? weight? the fact that it feels like it hits it a mile when you connect? do you like a 'tingy' sounding club? or more of a 'solid' sound? Is it all about how the club feels when impacted off-center? confidence with the club?
It's a hard thing to express verbally, since it is a feeling. I think for me my best feeling club is my 7iron. I think the weight of the club is perfect for my swing and when I hit it well, it feels incredibly soft.
That was hard to articulate...
How do you describe feel?