I'm a high handicapper, been playing for 2 years, havent broken 100. Been in the 102-104 range for the last few months.
Decided I should upgrade my irons since they are R flex and I'm pulling almost all the shots, and research suggested shaft needed to be stiff. Driver swing speed is 90-95 and iron swing speed is 80-85, which are on the cusp of R/S flex. golf store guys told me I could go to stiff if I wanted to for accuracy, but would lose distance.
Driver and woods are R because I like the distance and only 1-2 times my accuracy has been an issue (out of bounds); which in theory would get me under 100 too so I'll look into that.
So I have Nike Slingshot HL irons, and liked them because the long irons 3-5 are hybrids which have helped, but i have been all over the course with accuracy on it and just figured to get a stiff set.
So I ordered from my local golf store a set from their website, the used nike victory red full cavity, stiff, since I wanted to try a new head, liked that style, and figured I was good enough for real irons in the long irons and not hybrids
When the order came it and I picked it up, I didnt even pay attention to the back of the club, just the face and looking at the quality of the grooves, grip, etc. I get home and start cleaning the clubs and realized the back is not black on grey, but silver on grey, which means these are the VR SPLIT CAVITY.
My first thought was to return them since I've read about these and I thought it was a stretch for me to even play full cavitys since most reviews say they are for 15-20 handicap, and not breaking 100 yet puts me over that. And the split cavity I heard are for 10-15 so no way am I good enough to use them.
However, took them to the range and then the course...didnt play the long irons because those 50% of the time were shanks, so I only used the 7-AW, and when I needed longer distance, I either layed up or pulled out my VR hybrid....ended up with 102 this past weekend but that was because it was the first time I was using the irons and bladed/flubbed chip shots badly (need to get used to the bounce on these wedges). So in theory I can break 100, maybe even 90-95 with these irons if I get the chipping right; and maybe more if I hit the long irons.
With that said, 4-6 irons are tough, but not impossible for me to hit. I'm fairly accurate with the 7-AW and with the stiffer shaft I'm not pulling them as much. Slight pull but nothing too bad. In fact, a couple of swings had a draw like motion in it, went right, then left and landed center. But that was like twice in 90 shots at the range...
So with all that said.....high handicapper, playing with VR split cavitys.....should I return them, or keep them? I am thinking of keeping them because I think in the long run these will help my game...correct? Or is it better for me to get the full cavity because its more forgiving and thats what I should think about, at my current level?
I figure might as well keep them since I'm not playing as bad as the internet said I would, and with enough practice I could hit the long irons.