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About stevenlsmith

  • Birthday 11/30/1986

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  1. stevenlsmith


  2. what a long day that would be lol
  3. To bad I live 7 hours away from Erie
  4. I guess the question is just now where to get lessons. I can either go to the local public course and get lessons with their PGA certified guy, or Golf Galaxy. One uses video, and one is an actual course.....both would be great, but can only afford one. Any input?
  5. So from what I have gathered is that I should just stick with my old x20 irons and just focus on lessons. I was just thinking that the new SGI irons would help just a little more, but I could be wrong. I live in the Philly area.....anybody in the area know where I can take lessons? The only place I can think of is Golf Galaxy and I am unsure on how well their lessons are. Any input would be great! I may buy a single blade iron to just give it a shot and mess with one.
  6. Hey, I am looking to buy a new set of irons. I know that the main thing for me to ever improve my game is to get lessons, but I need clubs to play and take lessons with. My question is would it be better to buy a set of GI irons, or skip that and go straight to blade irons? I know that GI irons are way more forgiving and being a relatively new player that would be very helpful, but I don't want it to handicap myself by relying on my GI irons and never really learning how to work the ball. My question is would it be better to buy blade irons and have lessons with them or slowly work up to them? I want to enjoy the game when I play and am afraid blade irons may just frustrate me. What did you guys start out with??
  7. The Nike SQ Tour Stand bag just came in the mail today. I must say that at first glance I am in love, but only time will tell how I will like the 14 way divider. I cannot wait to take it out whenever this rain stops.
  8. Well.....I was between the Callaway X22 or the Ogio Grom bag and ended up with the Nike SQ Tour Stand Bag.....
  9. alright....I have it narrowed down to the Ogio Grom Stand Bag and the Callaway x-22. The ogio I am looking at is the 2010 model...same with the x-22
  10. I usually carry because I had a TaylorMade Tourino Stand bag. However it would not take a lot for me to stop carrying. I can rent pull carts at the courses around me for just a few bucks....I did not know if there was an advantage to one style over the other
  11. Hey Guys, I have never thought that picking out a new golf bag would be so difficult. The first thing I cannot decide is if I want a cart bag or a stand bag. The second choice is what bag in particular. I am looking at the Callaway Org14 or the Callaway X22 bags, The Ogio Grom, Sun Mountain four5, Ogio Sultan.... what should I be looking for in a bag?? Steven
  12. I agree with darkhunter139. A new putter is not going to make you sink everything, but in my opinion it will help you if the feels better. I just upgraded to a better putter and the way it feels in my hands is just so much better. I am sinking more because I have confidence in the putter that I have now. It is going to help, but you will still have to practice your putting.
  13. Awesome!!! I am still chasing after my first. This will be my second year of golf and I am going at it full steam ahead!!
  14. I started out with a slazenger mallet putter that was $30 bucks new and I could not sink a darn putt with it. I ended up buying a used TaylorMade Modena 8 CGB used and can tell a huge difference. I know the TM is not the best putter out there, but it sure is an improvement from what I had.
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