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Everything posted by Chadman

  1. Chadman


  2. Hey everyone. One of my favorite things about golf are the jokes. They are everywhere and VERY funny. So lets have a place where we can go and tell jokes and funny stories that you have seen, herd or.... you were the punch line to. So lets here them everyone. It's always a good time for a joke or two.
  3. yeah, I have hybrids that I LOVE!! I use them off the deck and off the tee. they work great a i have a good spread of distances between the two that i have but between my 5wood and 3 wood and driver, threr is no distance change. i keep my driver in my bag instead of the woods because... well, it's my driver.( Tough-guy complex talking there )
  4. I have a problem with the distance of my golf clubs and i would like some advice. My woods and my driver all hit the same distance which is 250. I usually leave my woods at home because I know that I won't need them. Any ideas as too what my problem might be. I should also add that I play in the mid 90's and have only been at it for a few yrs.
  5. I would think that if you become good enoughthat you notice the decrese in performance from a golf ball that you would be changing the balls more often. I am not very consistant with my shots so i would never notice when the balls are damaged and hurting my game. so i wouldn't change them till the become extremely broken or lost. If you were really consistant, you'd be changing them every round.
  6. ok that makes sense, so then my other question would be how do i know what wedge or club to use around the green? i'd like to be more confident in choosing clubs for my work around the green. but the truth is that i never know how each club will react and how much bouce vs rolll i will be getting. so i usually play it safe and get a 5 or a 7 iron and putt the ball on. can anyone help with this?
  7. But using the forward and back in my stance idea, shouldn't that change my club distances as well? I havn't had the chance to try that yet, i will next weekend, but i would tend to think that de-lofting a club would take yardage off aswell?!?!
  8. Hey guys and Gals. I have question about wedges. I was told that the amount of bounce is the most important part about picking wedges. So how do I now how much bounce is right for me. is more bounce better for one task than it is for another. I'm not in the sand very much, but when I am I need all the help I can get to get out of it. I'm usually always just off the green so I use my wedges alot around the green. I'm strougling to get the ball to spin enugh to stop when it hits the green. Are all the ses thing affected by the bouce on the wedge? Can anyone help with this?
  9. OK maybe "course managment" was a bad example for a pole answer, i'll give you that much. But the pole still answer the Question that I was asking. That buying new clubs should be a last resort for gaining extra yardage. Put money aside for a second, and say that you've alread purchased a brand new club because the guys at the proshop tell you that this new club will help you work the ball better and will get you 10 more yards and that it can help with this and that. Lets just say that you got it out the course and with the excitment building up you swing your new club on the first tee box and you heart sinks. Because at that very second you realize that the cub won't do all of those thing you were told because the training isn't there. Because you don't have the skill set to bring those aspects of the club out. Now lets facter the price of the club back into the equation. OUCH!!!! You've just made a big mistake. Because if you'd spend less money on instruction and gotten the lessons and spent the time perfecting the swing, you would have found the exact results you'd been looking for to begin with. And you may have had to spend more time to accomplish this than just buying the magic club that imprves you game right outa the box. But it would have been more worth it in the long run! Point is that just that there are better ways to spend our money these days and golf should be an exception. I'm always looking for ways to play with out paying alot of money. These are some of the lessons that i'm learning! I hope that other can learn from this too!!! I started thinking about this when my golf buddy lost his job during the recetion and couldn't aford to get out and play the game that he loves. He could no longer be apart of the sunday foresome that went to the local course in the morning and stayed till late in the evening sharing stories and having drinks. So i set out to help him by finding ways to cut costs in what is"when you boil it down" just a game!!!! If anyone else has any tips or tricks to squeeze in every round of golf that they can, write in. I'm sure that my buddy was not the only one thats going through this!
  10. My grand father walks along the river in our city and fishes. Along part of the river is a golf course. So along with his fishing rod he also brings his golf ball retreiver. Last christmas he gave me a big moving box full of used golf balls. Titleist, callaway, srixon, newer ones and abused ones, yellow ones, pink ones, white ones blue ones. Thousands of them. The box was so SOOO heavy and SOOO full that he had rope tied all around it to keep the box togeather. He'd been collecting them since I first started playing 3 years ago. So needless to say i'll be playing used golf balls until the day I die. lol, Best gift EVER!!! Oh, I should also say a big THANKS to all you slicers out there. I really appreaciate the golf balls!!! But can you please try to buy titleist, I like those the most!!!
  11. Does that include replies or just new threads?
  12. Does anyone know how to put a signature at the bottom of your threads in the forums?
  13. So I am getting to be more in-tune with my irons and the kind of shots that I am able to hit. I’ve come to the point were I’d like to start understanding the different golf shots that are possible. From what I can find on the internet there are 9 basic golf shots. I’m talking about hitting a high, medium, and a low fade shot, a high, medium, and low straight shot and a high, medium and low draw shot. I am able to hit the draws and fades, but I am struggling to learn how to hit shots with different height trajectories. Is it just a matter of moving the ball forwards or backwards in the stance or is there more to it? Another question that I have is whether a low shot is considered a knock-down shot or not. Is there a difference? Can anyone shed some light on this, please?
  14. I can totally agree with you. I have purchased a set of adams ideas tech A4's that are severl years old but i got them brand new. The price new i'm sure was $600 or $700 but i got them for less that $200. Great deal and they are brand new. cutting corners is what it's all about! this is not a cheap game to play so you have to learn to be thrifty when you can!!
  15. Ok all you callaway wearing, titleist supporting, Membership holding golfers out there. Lets talk budget!! It's no sectret that the economic down turn has affected us all in some form or another. I am not new to this and have greatly felt the squize on the credit card. So i asked myself, Does this game really need to be so expensive? The answer my friends might surprise you! What is the average price for a driver these days? $300?....$400?... $500? More? For what? an extra 10-15 yrds. Lets face it, were not pro's. This is not how we make a living. My kids will not be put through college on the wagers I bet on sunday afternoon round with my co-workers, thats for certain. So why does it need to be that we spend so much of our earnings when the return is not enough to justify the money? I should say that at one time felt that i needed the brand name stuff to satisfy the ego. To tell the buds at the 19th hole all about the driver, and rub it into my co-workers. But the fact of the matter is that I have spent $50 on a driver from walmart and $400 for a cleveland driver and when comparing the two, i am greatly dissapointed by the margim of difference between the them. I'm not saying that the clevland is inferior. It"s not! It is far more technologically advanced and superior in every way. But the difference can't be seen in the blur of a swinging club. And it can"t be seen in the distances from the tee box. The ten yards difference has not affected my score. it just hasn't! I could see if it was in the ball park of 25 to 30 yrds then maybe it might be worth the extra $. But being 100yrds away from the green versus 110 only means it's a 9 iron instead of a wedge. And with that i havn't spent $500 on a single club! A savings of over $450 means that i'm only loosing out on 10-15 yrds. it just doesn't add up! And for a gain of 10-15 yrds you might be better spending a fraction of the money it costs to by a new club, and rather go get your old clubs fitted properly, or see a club pro to help you squize every extra yard you can out of those clubs! And another thing. The driver is only one club. We are aloted 14. Thats14!!!! The money is adding up faster than I can work to pay them off!!! And I know alot of you will stomp your feet and shout that this is ludacris and that there is more to it than that.Your shouting to the heavens about how preposterous this is, and how I must be out of my mind! But when you are really on a budget, and the wife is holding the purse string with an iron fist. you'll see that it 's not entirely unreasonable!!! And to further prove my case, look at some of the pro's that we love to watch on tv. Luke Donald is not the furthest hitter on tour. Yet last week at harbour town he went into a playoff after playing amazing golf all weekend long. He didn't use his distance to hit the ball miles and get on the green in one on par 4's, nope!! He layed up and used his spectacular short game. Layed upHe He layed up!!! So maybe the golf clubs are not what is costing us so much money, but rather our style of game is whats so expensive. Just some food for thought as we head into the up coming golf season and we see all the advertisments for that shinny new club. Stop and ask yourself before you you open your wallat, is it really worth it? Good luck the season
  16. I'm 26 and 5"10. I can only hit 240 when it"s straight. My slices seem like they would go so much further if they were straight.Lol.
  17. I sometimes over swing. In regards to the cupped wrist idea I actually have a slightly cupped wrist at the top, this could translate into open face at impact but I would imagine it would effect all my clubs then. Well that would make sense to me too. that if i have a cupped wrist, that leaves my club face open then it would happen with all my clubs. But i hit my irons and hybrids really well and also with a draw. i keep coming back to the thought that it's to do with my swing plane. As my clubs get longer i have more and more trouble closing the face due to a lower swing plane. The plane is straight and what i mean by that is , on video, my angle of swing never changes from adress through to impact. But with longer clubs that swing plain flatens out. The baseball technique is and interesting technique and i have tried it but it didn't make alot of sense. I will give it another try because i think i understand that its not a flip that im after but rather a "whip" motion. will this correct my slice over time or is this something that i will need to do in the tee bax before each hole ?
  18. Well i do not have the video from my lesson unfortunatly. I do know that it's not a weak grip as i have played with my grip to try to get the club to release better on impact. however i should say that i have the tendancy to squize the grip to tight on the way down to the ball. as for the cupped wrist, this could very well be a problem. Do you have any suggestions as to what i can practice to fix this problem. I'm at the range several times a week to work on my game and i'v never looked at my wrists through impact.
  19. Hello fellow golfers and friends. I come to you today, not only as a new member to the sand trap, but also as a fellow golfer that has his fair share of woes. I have been playing this fantastically frustrating game for two years now and have been plagued by the msfortune of a " slice ". But not just any slice, oh no. Rather a " Push slice ". (like a regular sliced wasn't bad enough). It started from day one. I can put a real move on my driver and get some good distance. But it starts out right, and then it goes even further right until i'm hittting houses or other golfers on other fairways. Funny thing about it is that it's only with my driver or 3wood (my longest clubs). In fact i am getting really good and consistant with a draw shot with my hybrids and irons(right handed by the way). I have been to see a golf instructore and he filmed my swing and we seen that my swing plane is correct and that i have a great swing with good rythm. But i cannot get the club face closed in time with my driver. I have tried clubs with a draw bias and have had no results. I have tried to swing the club like a baseball bat to try to get the feel for clossing the club face, but I cant seem to get that to work. I have tried a stronger grip ( right hand under the grip) still no success. Even trying to turn it into a draw yelds no results. I have good hip rotation and follow through. it has gotten to the point where i have now been using 3 hybrids off the tees just to keep my ball in play. If anyone has any insight into what may be going wrong and how i can start to correct this problem i would be great. I'm sure that with a straight drive, i could be into the low 80's with ease. Chadman
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