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  • Birthday 11/30/1980

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  1. Thanks for all the advice. I had an epiphany this weekend. I think some of my poor play is mental. I have been letting the situation and partners I am playing with affect me too much. I have now played three times since May, including this past Saturday. The first round in May was an annual tournament I have to play in for work at a mediocre course. This year I was playing with three people I didn't know very well (two potential clients from two different firms and new coworker). It was a very awkward round. The demeanor of my partners ranged from silly to uptight. I played like garbage and blamed it on the infrequency of play. The second round was with my father-in-law, who has recently become a curmudgeon, at a low end course. He bitched and moaned and worried about the weather nearly the entire round. I played worse than I did in May. I blamed in on the infrequency of the play plus the age of my clubs. That is what prompted me to post here. Last weekend I played with three old friends, two of whom are excellent at golf, and one who usually plays similarly to me. We played a top notch course. I played VERY WELL by my standards. I didn't lost a ball until hole 8 and parred a couple of holes before completely falling apart around 15. It was just plain FUN! Everyone commended me on my play. I won several closest to the pin side bets. I didn't have to worry about anyone being uptight or a total goober. We all kind of fed off of each others' energy. At the end of the round, I said, "If we all lived close enough, I would get out and golf more regularly." That made me think of this post. I may still upgrade my irons to the used TM recommended here, but I don't think it is necessary. Honestly, I just have to be myself and stop being self-conscious out there. I need to be comfortable setting the expectations with people I am playing with to ensure we all know it is about "fun" and not winning. But at the same time, "fun" does not mean being totally aloof and not playing to course standards. I have to accept that without practice, I am going to hit some very bad shots. But I also have to remember that I can hit just as many good shots. If I find some fun people here I can play with, I might just get back into it. Maybe if/when my son starts playing, I will have a few years before he only wants to play with people his age. Thanks again for all the advice.
  2. I always assumed it was because I don't play enough, but with the clubs coming up on their 40th birthday, I thought maybe I should upgrade. It sounds as if the consensus is save my money.
  3. I golfed fairly often in High School back in the late 90's. I then took a 10 year hiatus and tried to be back to golf again in the 2010's. Thanks to this forum, I ended up buying a set of used Ping Eye 2s for around $200 which I used during my return to the sport. Then I had kids, got a high pressure job with long hours, and other interest overtook golf. I still play a few times a year, and I feel like I might benefit from an irons upgrade, unless this forum tells me otherwise. I play in one tournament every year with clients and a couple times a year with my father in law. I also take my two kids who are 5 and 6 to the driving range 3-4 times a year. I enjoy golf, but I just don't think I will have time to play unless my kids take an interest. What I "think" I am looking for are irons that will help me not embarrass myself on the course. I play horribly with the Eye 2s. I never really took to them, even with lessons to get back on track. When I have rented clubs, I feel i play better. I have been decent enough that I can par a couple of holes during a round. Getting the ball in the air is my weakness. I want to buy used to save some money. I swing very hard, but when I concentrate on slowing my swing down, I hit better. I just have a lot of trouble slowing my swing down. I think it is ingrained in me from other sports I played. I am happy to give additional details. I will likely at least get measured, and perhaps, it makes sense going to a retailer that sells used clubs. Thanks in advance.
  4. I think this is exactly what I was alluding to. When I hit my eye 2's I concentrate so much on swing and posture and very little on what part of my club strikes the ball. The head is so big, I just don't even fathom missing the ball. I get great ball flight predictable distance, but I am consistently 20 yards to the left or right of my target. When I picked up the blade, it was MUCH SMALLER than my clubs. I think it required me to concentrate more on making sure the head connected with the ball. I believe this is where the gained accuracy stemmed from. I have great hand eye coordination. I always played swinging sports growing up like baseball, tennis, and raquetball. I think the success was more due to the smaller club head than the fact that I was hitting a blade. I am going to raid the range's lost club bucket and experiment a little bit this weekend. I will post back results.
  5. I have been taking lessons now for several months, and my swing is on point, although not fine tuned. I hit ping eye 2 irons because they were recomended to me a the mecca of forgiving irons. I went to my lesson today. I hit three bad shots to start the lesson. My instructor put me through a little drill, and I was back to hitting nice lofty 100 yard shots with my wedge. They were a lengthy and as inaccurate as my shot are when I play a round. When I play a round, I can pick the right club distance wise, but my aim is way off. I told my instructor and he gave me a few tips and drills. I am not slicing or hooking, just straight shot that ends up 20 yards left or right of where I am aiming. I took the instructors advice, and improved to hitting 15 yards to left or right from where I was aiming. My instructor told me it had to do more with my swing that my aim, and we moved on working on my wicked driver slice. Once I finished my lesson my wife was up. I decided to go to the bucket of lost clubs to grab a blade and see what blades were all about. I have heard, "practice with blade if you want to learn true accuracy and playable shots." Well, I found a Spalding blade that had some tour guy's signature on it. It was four iron. I looked it over. It was much smaller than my eye 2s. I grabbed a handful of balls from my wife's bucket and took the stall next to her. I hit all my shot dead on. They were about 30 shorter than what I normall hit, but they were exactly where I was aiming. My instuctor kept tossing a couple of ball into my stall, and I just kept wacking accurate but short shots. I am going to try to hit some more with the blades this week. I think the accuracy came from the small club head. Because the head was smaller, I took more care to aim more carefully at my ball. This is just an account of my lesson today. If anyone wants to interject, please do. I talked to my father in law and he said he would give me a set of 2 year old Callaway blades, because he can't hit them. He also told me he doubted my story because for the most part, only tour players play blades. I told him I would try then next time we are together, and if I hit them well, I will take them off of his hands.
  6. I totally understand the annoyance, but I think it is something you just need to accept and deal with. You are at the practice range. You have your favorite spot at the end because people stay away from you. That lady shares your favorite spot, and she has the same right to practice on that end of the rage as you do. There was a time when I felt I had to be on the stall farthest right, because I would hit one or two shots that shank directly to the right nearly hitting people. I might have intruded on your spot, but for completely different reasons. Also, don't forget this is a practice range. I never count on having peace and quiet at the range. Where else do you expect these people to get lessons? I would much rather have some new jack ruining my range time, than just going out and slowing down play because they don't know a wedge from a driver. The range I go to almost always has three or four lessons going on, groups using the range as an excuse to hang out and drink away from the family, and sometimes a golf camp for kids. If you want to practice in peace an quiet, you might just have to pony up to walk 9 or take some old balls out to a unused sports field. Otherwise, I think your expectations for the range are pretty unreasonable. As already mentioned, a lot of people bring ipods. You could also bring ear plugs. Just my thoughts.
  7. I shot 142. Played with a friend who has been trying to get together for a round with me. I see it as an improvement. This was only my second round. I played 9 about six weeks ago after my first lesson and shot 72 (144 if we assume I did the other 9 the same). Took three lessons (every other week) and hit the range three times a week. Even though 2 strokes over six weeks does not sound like much to shave off, it was more about the couple of good holes I was able to put together. Also, I played from the ladies and amature tees six weeks ago, and the guy I played with this time insisted that we hit from back tees. So shaving off two shots, putting together two bogies that were INCHES from being par, and winning one hole against a guy who has been playing his whole life made me feel it was good round for me. The messed up thing is that at my last golf lesson I hit about 50 balls. Of those 50, 20 were straight, as long as they should have been, and landed exactly where I was targeting; 20 of the balls were straight, as long as they should have been, but were not on target; the remaining shots were not bad, but also nothing sing about. I really thought that would translate better to the course. It took me about three holes to feel like I was in rythem. That is when I got my first bogey, and it the hole I won. It was par three. The ball landed to the right of the green under an oak tree. When I got there, a large root was about 6 inches behind where I wanted to hit the ball. I some how skipped the ball up on the green about 15 feet from the hole. I missed my putt by about 2 inches. My partner, botched the hole entirely. The other bogey was a par four. I hit my tee shot way off to the right. My second shot landed me under another oak on some soft wet dirt way off to the left. Again, I was able to skip the ball up on the green within 20 feet of the hole. I read a break from right to left, and I hit the ball within an inch this time. My partner birdied the hole. I fell apart on the back nine. I will spare the gory details. In summary, I skulled a lot of balls, hit into the water 4 time off the tee on the same hole, and hit the cart girl's cart from about 150 yards. When we got to 18, I told my partner, I was going to really concentrate and get my par. It was a par 5. I hit a great tee shot out driving my partner. set up for my second shot and hit a great shot that should have put me about 30 yards from the green. Unfortunately, the ball hit a very narrow tall dying pine tree. I had to make the decision to go over the water or lay up. I decided to stick with my plan to par the hole and I went for it. Somehow I completely misfired and the ball ended up exactly where it would have if I would have laid up. I ended up shooting eight on the hole, but I could feel it coming together. Next week I work on the driver with a pro. I don't think I need any putting advice, as I made many first putts and never went over two putts. So, I think that the next lesson I have, I will see if the pro will walk 9 with me to help me translate the range work to the course. *Thanks for catching the incorrect score. Not sure why I put 172. It was really a 142.
  8. I have now been taking golf lessons every other week for six weeks, and I finally turned a corner this week. The pro still stops and helps me for free when he sees me at the range, which as been great. My practice routine has been to hit the range three days a week and hit a hundred balls each time. I played 9 holes the day after my first lesson. I shot an effing 72 on 9. I should have known better than to even attempt to play. The lessons have really helped. The major things my pro has stressed have been to turn with my shoulders on my back swing, keep my wrist cocked back as I hit the ball until they naturally unfold in my follow through, and to keep my head down until my body forces my head move. Up until this lesson, it has been a struggle to remember all of things that I need to do at the same time. After about half of a bucket I would get my rythem. Then after about 10-15 near perfect balls in a row,then fall apart for the rest of the basket. When I would forget about keeping my head down, I would slice the ball. When I would forget to turn my shoulders correctly, I would top the ball or miss completely. My last session at the range, the pro stopped by when I had about 10 balls left. I hit every one of them perfect, and for the first time I had a true aha moment with my back swing. This entire week I have been really thinking about the mechanics of my swing, and as weird as it is sounds I feel like I somehow mentally trained my muscles to remember what to do. Tonight I went to my lesson and hit about fifty balls with the pro. I hit every single one of them straight or with a slight slice resulting from head movement. To this point we have only been practicing with my seven iron. I told the pro I planned on playing 18 with a friend this weekend, and he said that we needed to work on my wedge then. We worked on hitting the ball 125 to the green on the range, 75, 55, and 30 yards. It was amazing how all of a sudden my body and my mind just got it. I told the pro that I wasn't sure if I would even hit the driver during my round. I feel like I should stick to my irons. He said we would work on the driver the next lesson, but encouraged me to hit it during my game anyway.
  9. codwater


    Go with Ray Ban Daddy-O's Polarized. They have all different shapes for all different faces. The vision is great. I tend forget that I even have sunglasses on when I wear these. Also, after wearing a pair for four years, I never saw a scratch. When the lenses got dirty, something about them made the dirt not very visable. I replaced the sunglasses with a pair polarized Oakleys. I hate them. I feel like they don't block the sun as well. I still have to squint. The vision isn't as great. They get scratched to hell very easily, although I must say the scratches don't really impair the sight through the lense like I expected them too. I guess I should also say, the Ray Bans were a sports model, while the Oakleys I got were more for style. Here are the pictures: Also, if you get a nice pair of sunglasses, invest 5 bucks in a pair of croakies. The only way my Ray Bans made it 4 years was because they were strapped to me when I would take them off. Someone told me sunglasses and golf were a no-no. Is this true? I was told it messes with depth perception.
  10. I used to hit my wedges, 9, 8, and 7 fairly well. Still had topped balls, hooks, and slices, but for the most part I felt I could trust those clubs. 6,5, and 4 irons kicked my ass. I almost would refuse to hit them it was so bad. Could not hit a fairway, much less get any solid contact. I took a couple of lessons, and I feel like I undestand the mechanics of my swing, grip, and stance better. When I am at the range I play a game with my irons. I hit each club, starting with my wedges until I hit two solid shots in a row. When I hit the two good shots I move down to the a lower iron. If I hit three terrible shot in a row I move back up to a higher iron. Usually I go back and forth for about thirty minutes before I get to my 4 iron, but once I get to my 4 iron (highest iron in bag) it's game over. I hit 80% of my shots superbly. I am completely caught off guard, and I basically have to tire out or take a break to get back down to my wedges and lower irons. When I get back to those clubs, I fall completely apart. I have a feeling that my lower irons havn't gotten worse, they just haven't gotten better. Although, I do feel like they are worse when I start hitting those after my 4 iron. The whole thing just seems bizzare to me. Anyone experience this? Any ideas why I would hit the lower irons better? I always thought they were supposed to harder to hit. Also, I guess I should state that I purchased new clubs as well before this started. During my first lesson, I talked to the instructor about the irons I was getting and he said they should work better for me that what I was using (fit wise that is).
  11. I was hitting at the range yesterday with a friend. I recently got a new bag and some new irons. This was my first time hitting them and using my new bag. I went at around 1:30, which was my first mistake. It was hot and HUMID. Once I got to the range, I realized I had not switched my glove over to the new bag. The humidity made me nervous, but I wasn't going to buy another glove. The whole reason I was hitting balls at the range was to avoid spending too much money. I was having a decent time hitting. I worked from my wedges all the way up to my 4 iron, and I was stroking about 80% of my shots, which is a great day for me. I went back down to my wedges, and the unthinkable happened. I slung the club straight out of my hands. Now I have thrown a club out on the range and seen it done many times, but this was worse. The club slipped out of my hand during the last part of my follow through and ended up hitting the concrete above, which house the second level of stalls. The club ricocheted off the concrete and flew about 30 feet from the concession area. The whole range pretty much paused and watched me sheepishly pick up my club and apologize. I checked the club for damage, and there was a small nick where the head meets the shafts. I took a 15 minute break and drank down a power aid. I tried to wait for a few of the people who hitting next to me leave. I went back out and finished strong hitting with my 4 iron the rest of the time. In retrospect it wasn't as bad as it seemed at the time. As soon as I got home, I made the complete bag switch.
  12. The range and the couse close to my house is in the the city park. The balls at our range cost $10 for 105 balls. I am able to hit the range about eight time a month, thus spending $80 a month. I only play the course once or twice a month, and I plan on slowly moving away from the range and more to the course once I feel like my swing is solid and consistent. The course offers a monthly practice pass which is $99 plus a discount on weekday twilight green fees. I can't play an entire round during the week, so it is better off for me to just pay the $80 in purchasing balls. Plus if I paid $99 a month for a year, I might as well pay for a membership at a club. It would only cost me about $500 more, and I would get free green frees and range balls. (The weather allows year round playing here). I feel like the $99 dollar pracitce pass is extremely overpriced. My wife and I love the City Park, and she is big into giving to charity and volunteering. She was researching the City Park yesterday to see about giving to the park, and she found a place where you could donate and become a member of the park. The membership includes discounts to all the activities, gardens, amusement park, muesems, special events etc. The only perks I would use would be admission to their Christmas Light display (only because I get dragged there every year) and the $5 large bucket of balls discount. This will save me $40 bucks a month, and the member ship is only $45!. So I my membership will pay for itself after only one month. Too bad they membership doesn't include freebies or discounts on green fees. I was just too excited not to post this.
  13. Will somebody please send me an email with the free shipping special? ( jbsulliv@gmail.com ) I would like to purchase about $40 dollars worth of balls from them, but the shipping will cost me more than the balls. (I want to order some of the horrible balls that come 500 for $11, and I think that is why the shipping is so high). Also, I heard that shipping was free on orders over $75 or $100. I added enough balls to get me to those caps, and I still didnot see that I would get free shipping. Any advice on this?
  14. I am right there with you when it comes to pouring out the sweat. For the past few years mountain biking has been my main hobby/sport, but I played in a charity golf scramble for work every year. We recieved a complimentary Jack Nicklaus shirt with the charity's logo on it. I didn't wear the shirts for a very long time. They just sat in my closet. At one point work and school got so busy, that I could not find the time to go out to the mountain biking trail so I started biking to work everyday. After a week of biking I ran out of bike jersey's, so I threw on the Nicklaus polo. I was absolutely stunned. No matter what, I will sweat. When I where cotton I am extremely uncomfortable. When I wear bike jerseys, I sweat and my shirts get soaked, but I don't feel as uncomfortable. When I wore the Nicklaus polo I sweated, but it seemed like the sweat dried up nearly as quickly as it formed. I started throwing those polos into my regular rotation after that. Now that I am golfing more, I wear them very often. I notice when I wear mine to the range, that every person out there has a drenched back. After hitting 100+ balls, my shirt still appears completely dry. I do sweat, but something about this shirt keeps me from feeling and looking like pig. I think it is a combination of airflow, fit, material. I just pulled one of the shirts out of the hamper. It says Jack Nicklaus Performance 18 100% polyester. It seems like it two layers as well. A softer layer against the skin and a more normal shirt texture on the outside. I have no idea how much the cost, and I hope I score a new color at the golf tournament this year!
  15. Man, I sure hope you aren't picking up balls that are in play from another group. I have seen people try and pick up poorly hit balls before and get chewed out by the who hit it. I think finding balls in bushes and such is fine, but if I see one "in the middle of the rough", I leave it alone.
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