Tiger Woods - How I Play Golf - Good beginers book, lots of nice colour photos of Tiger's old swing.
DP Short Game Bible - Great book, explains everything in a very scientific factual way, a must have.
DP Putting Bible - Good stuff in it but I felt that DP waffled on too much just to pad the book out.
Dr Bob Rotella - Golf is not a game of perfect - Great book but one of the hardest to apply, really need to focus to change your mindset.
Leadbetter's - 100% Golf - Ok book but a lot of drills in here mean that to get the best out of it you need to read it in a place where you can swing a club.
Dr Mann/Grifon - Swing Like a Pro - Again need a place to swing the club whilst reading the drills.
Hank Haney - The only golf lesson you'll ever need - Not a beginers book but rather a book to read to cure your slice or hook, great for the full swing instruction. A must have for all slicers. Short game section and putting section not that good.