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About cajuntexan00

  • Birthday 11/30/1978

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    Big D

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  • Index: 15
  • Plays: Righty

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  1. cajuntexan00


  2. I've hit the demo clubs a couple of times along with the G20's (so take this with a grain of salt). I found them to have much more of a blade feel to them than I expected. I would definitely go try them out before taking the leap.
  3. TourSpoon, I'm pretty new to this forum, but you are the first person i've seen that uses the same irons i do! I am probably not a good enough golfer to be playing with 735CM's, but i'm still hanging on to the glory days and hoping they will return. I recently dropped my 3 iron for a ping G15 20 degree hybrid. I get about 5-10 yards more distance which has made a bit too big of a gap between my 4 iron and this club, but I make it work. The bigger problem I have is that miss hits are definitely worse than a 3i. When I miss hit a 3i i lose some distance, but there's not as much risk of a high launching shot left or right. Is this normal for a hybrid? it's the first one i've owned. wasn't really sure what to expect.
  4. we don't get a lot of rain in our area. sand is usually fluffy. I bought a Cleveland 60 degree with high bounce. did I make a good choice?
  5. when hitting out of bunkers, is it better to use a wedge with low bounce, high bounce, or does it matter?
  6. yeh, didn't mean to imply i was an expert. I need to find a Nike demo day and try some of their stuff out. Back to Tiger, I was just thinking it would be cool to have a breakdown of how many wins he had with each on of his equipment changes. Was the Scotty Cameron putter the last non Nike thing he dropped? Or was the the golf ball? just curious.
  7. I was ASKING if the are any good. I do not think they suck.
  8. i don't claim to be an expert and think Nike sucks. I really don't know anything about them. that's why i started the thread.
  9. Is there any chance that part of Tiger's problem is that he plays with Nike everything? Maybe I'm completely misguided, but I've never really considered them a serious manufacturer of golf equipment. I hit a Nike 3 wood a few years ago and found it to be terrible and made the mistake of playing with a dozen Nike Power distance balls once which felt awful. Anyone a fan of their stuff?
  10. I was kind of annoyed with TGW b/c i ordered a wedge that shipped late. Next thing i know i got an email with a $15 gift certificate for the 1 day delay. I would shop with them again.
  11. So he breaks the streak of non-US major champions, wins 2 events in his first year on tour, and apparently has nerves of steel. That was an amazing finish after the triple bogey. I can't remeber the last time I saw anything like that. Any chance this guy is the next great US golfer and Dustin, Woodland, Fowler, Kim, etc. are going to be chasing him for the next decade? I'm thinking it's a possibility.
  12. I'm with you on Steele winning. I wouldn't be surprised however if we saw a "nobody wants to win it" type of finish today. I'm anticipating some nerves getting in the way and multiple players in the top 10 making doubles on the back nine! The top 10 may not have lots of "names" but I bet it is going to be an exciting finish.
  13. Did you hear that he hasn't shot a round under par in 2 months on tour before this tournament? Him playing this well suddenly is quite a shock. We may be looking at another Shaun Micheel winner.
  14. I'd have to respectfully disagree with Sergio and DLIII. Nick Watney and Striker are notable too. and Martin Kaymer. Although he hasn't played well lately he seems to do ok at this tournament. :-)
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