Something similar happened to me at the beginning of the season. We were playing a quick 9 before work, myself, a friend, a co-worker, and the boss. We had a slow group in front of us and had to hang back. The course was open enough that this should have been obvious to the people behind us.
2nd hole is a downhill par 4 dogleg left. I throw my tee shot out around 250 and walk down to the ball. I'm sitting there waiting to hit 100 into the green that the foursome of ladies is front of us is still on. I look back to the guys on the tee lining up. "He's just taking a practice swing." Nope, hits into me, ball lands 25 feet short of me. I throw up my hands to let him know he's coming too close I'm not too pissed, it happens. His partner proceeds to tee up and hit one within 15 feet of me! Now I'm pissed. We play the hole and while waiting on the next tee the group avoid us, no apology despite the cold stare I'm giving them from across the green.
7th hole is a long par 3. We finish up and are walking to the next tee, the green we just left is a good distance to the right of us. I'd feel it's safe to hit if I were them, and they do so. One guy shanks it and line drives literally between the 4 of us. Almost catches by buddy in the gut. NO fore, NO heads up, nothing. No apology as they drive up, they actually drove around the other side of the green.
9th hole three of us hit our drives 225-250 (I used a 3 wood, usually goes about 230). We're standing there waiting for the group in front of us to vacate the tee and we get hit into again! The ball literally bounces up and rolls by our feet. I turn around and consider shooting it back at them, but, this is not a good idea. I was so pissed however I did hit the guy's ball into the pond next to us. Normally I wouldn't think of doing such a thing, but this is 3 times, all close, and all obvious. By the time we're on the green the kid comes up to us (he's my age-26) and tell us he didn't think he could drive it that far. I'm sorry, I hit a 3-wood, and this is a twenty-something year old who looks to be in decent shape with a driver in his hands. No f*%^ing way! We ripped into him for a while. The starter is then walking towards us, and we think we're going to get asked politely not to come back. He asks if the "a