Your post hit home. I wish my son was home to play golf with. It took me 28 years to realize the military experience is a family affair. My wife of all these years stood beside me and family. We went to3 funerals over last 2 weeks and I saw real emotion from her. She got angry at me and when I met other grieving families I understood. Being a former member of a team wasn't just about me. It took a toll on her and my kids. I was dumb enough not to realize it. I am very lucky. The divorce rate is 90% for first time marriages and we are still together . I was dumb very selfish. If I had it to do over again. I would still be
With the team but I would have tried to spend better quality time with family. I never played golf with my son. Honestly I averaged maybe 90 days a year in this country and 30 days at home. You can't go back.. I know. The kicker is our oldest son is in the same identical job description in the military. He is serving our country but sometimes I feel payback for our lost family time. My wife has more experience than me at this stuff than me
I wish I could be playing golf with my son.sin