I just wanted to share my thoughts on my new Ping S58s which replaced my three year old G2s. Truth be told, I just wanted something different than the large cavity backs. My tour wedges are my favorite club, the S58model looked and felt the most similiar so I went with them. I consider myself an average ballstriker, my misses are usually hooks (I am right handed). Driver, course management and then maybe putting are my biggest challenge.
I don't know if I was concentrating more on my swing or what, but I hit these every bit as good as my old G2s. I know this seems hard to believe, but I think anyone could play these. I have only played one round with them so far, and have spent several hours at the range, so it's early and things could very well change for the worst. By the way, I shot an 88 (best round ever an 83) on a course rating of 72 with a 130 slope. The flight of the ball was similiar, if anything somewhat higher and more of a draw. I was actually able to hit a fade or a draw several times and the feel was really nice. I had no more or less issues with my iron play, but I am not carrying the 2,3, and 4 irons and instead using hybrids for now.
Anyway, just wanted to say these clubs are pretty forgiving for the smaller and thinner size. I don't think anyone should be intimidated to try them out. I hope to have these for another 3 years, hopefully I can keeop them in the bag.