I think it would be great if there was a woman who could compete with the men and really keep up with them, but I just don't think her game is at the point where she could really compete.
If she really wanted to compete with the men and then she would approach this differently. I can understand the rush to compete with the men (money, publicity, etc), but from a golf point of view I can't understand it. She needs to "learn to win" before she can honestly and truly compete with the men. That doesn't mean win a tournament here or there, come in 4th in this tournament, have this many top 10's or miss the men's cut by 1 stroke. That is not winning, that's almost winning. She needs to know how to go out and literally dominate women's golf before she even attempts to legitimately compete on the PGA Tour. Because lets be honest I think we can all agree that she couldn't beat Tiger or Phil on a normal day. What is the harm in spending time on the LPGA tour, improving her game and learning to close out tournaments before she gives the PGA tour another whirl.
If you don't go out there knowing you can make the cut, knowing you have the game to compete and knowing that you are in a position to win then you have no real chance in competing and I don't think she is at that point yet.