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Derrick James

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About Derrick James

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  1. I broke my right arm (I'm left handed) should I try to play one handed? Any one handed drills I should do? Or just rest up till it heals? Just curious what some of the teachers feel about this situation?
  2. I am looking for an entertaining podcast for the drive to work. The few that I have found have been just bland short instruction or talking about some small distant tournament. I was wanting to know if anyone hear had a podcast they liked that was fun to listen to (talked about their own game, etc) and/or informative, but not in a mind numbing way. any help appreciated. I have an Android btw. Thanks -Derrick
  3. Hey Guys, Sorry, I will have to bow out of this one. I have ended up having to work, but keep me in mind for any others later on! Also, why is there still so much snow! This stuff needs to melt! -D
  4. New player here. I live in Charlottesville Va, and wouldn't mind getting together for a round somewhere. I can drive up to DC or even Maryland (Uncle lives there, he may join). My schedule is all over the place though so just let me know when and where it will be and hopefully I would be able to make it! If anyone near central Va wants to play, or knows of good courses, let me know!
  5. Charlottesville Va here. I am always looking to play with new people and find fun courses to play in the area. I like the VSGA card, just have to get out and use it more! Name is Derrick by the way, good to meet you guys..I dont post on here much, more of just a lurker. :-)
  6. You guys must have some real jerks on your course...I have rolled a couple of drives or long 3 woods onto the greens in front of me when it is a busy day. I of course wave an apology, and then apologize again if I see them, and each time they have just said "No problem, great shot!"
  7. Just curious as to what draws you guys to a certain course? Is it more the challenging holes, well manicured greens, length, interesting holes (island greens, etc). I mean obviously we look for a nice mix of things, but if you are looking for something specific, what in your eyes makes a course worth playing?
  8. No NoVa players out there huh? Unfortunate..
  9. My uncle and I are meeting up halfway somewhere in Northern Virginia. I am looking to use my VSGA card since I buy it and dont use it as much as I should. I was wondering if you guys would give me some reviews of some of the courses I list if you have played them. I am looking for some info before I decide where to play. Thanks! Here are the possibilities: Goose Creek Jackson's Chase Winchester Country Club Algonkian Brambleton Bristow Manor Pohick Bay Cameron Hills Golf Links Lee's Hill Golf club Meadows Farms Golf Course Quinton Oaks Golf Course If you have played any of these and can tell me if you recommend them or not I would really appreciate it! Thanks! -Derrick
  10. I live in Charlottesville Virginia, and love the VSGA card. It allows you to play many courses in VA for only price of the cart. My question is besides the ones in central that I play a lot (Birdwood, Old Trail, etc) What are some good courses that I should try to make a little longer of a drive to? Anyone have some favorite courses with the VSGA that I really should check out? Which brings me to another question, how come there is really no good Golf Course Review site? It is so hard to try to figure out how good a course is just by a small description and a couple of pictures. Thanks for any help -Derrick
  11. I am 32 and in pretty good shape, not as much as I used to be, but hey. I have had a pretty significant back pain mainly in the morning off and on for a couple of years now. I have been playing golf pretty regularly only the last 5 years or so. It can be really painful, and almost difficult to hit the first few balls, but then it seems to stretch out and I feel alot better. I try to stretch on my off days from golf and it doesnt feel like it relieves it much. Do you think playing golf stretches it out and makes me feel better. Or am I just focused on golf instead of my back and end up hurting myself more? Anyone else have same problem or any tips? Greatly appreciated -Derrick
  12. This is an extremely humbling sport...I think if you go into it with this lofty of expectations you will set yourself up for failure. I am quite athletic and have played frequently and fairly well for about 5 years now, and I still go through many peaks and valleys. So much is mental and course management. I think it is great that you are practicing and getting your game fine tuned...but I think what you need to be asking on the forum at this point are things like "When do I take lessons? How should I approach playing on a course?" Like others have said, just have fun with it and enjoy the good shots. Trying to think that you are going to be an elite player so quickly is just going to make you hate the game.
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