I got fitted for a driver and this was my problem going in.
I started out hitting a MacGreggor Mactec 10.5 degree, Fujikura regular flex, 50g shaft, and I loved it. I could hit it far...for me....but I had a bad slice from time to time.
Trying to fix it partially with equipment, middle of last year I bought and used a Callaway FT-IQ i mix 13 degree, Fubuki 60g shaft regular flex. I could hit it straight, but cost me a lot of distance. I figure it was mainly from the higher degree.
So, I got tested officially with the real club maker guy (not his assistant as before). He said I did go overkill on the degree of driver, going to a 13 from a 10.5. He said I should have a 10.5 degree. BUT he also said the head of a driver matters very little. He said it’s all about the shaft.
My swingspeed is between 85-90. Everything I read on the internet had told me to go to a 13 degree, but to also get fitted. I get contradiction.
Does anyone have any advice on what I should do? I could just buy a lower degree head and slap on my i mix? Or should I let the guy build my club similar to what I did have but a tad heavier? (He prefers an Acer XF 10.5 degree, regular flex with a low kickpoint and a torque of 4.5....whatever the heck that means)