The Meadow's clubs are a good buy in that they are good quality and they do right by you at purchase. The club fit they used is a generic on-line fit, based on hight, age, your personal judgement of your speed etc. What I mean here is, I always thought I was a 70-80 swing speed, until I went to a pro shop and fond up it was not true, as well as some other things about my swing. So my point is be carefull, and honest about your self also.
The Clubs are good clubs, well made in truth and very usable, but If I an understanding what you are attempting, I would say go pay for a pro fitting first, about 100.00 based on shopping in Tenn and Kentucky cost's for this. The idea is to get all the results in front of you, get the print out from the fitting, and then shop for the best buy. A little time now, saves later.
It may turn out Meadow's are the right fit, but check it all first. Case in point, I am looking for the same thing, and called them to ask about flex for shaft's I was thinking about upgrading? I was told by the sales person to just buy the standard shaft. I was told, that I was worrying about things to much. It turned out that after the fiting, in truth, for my and handycap and swing it was no concern, but the shafts I personaly wanted would have been very wrong for me. So the point I make is get real state of the art facts first, then buy.
Also every thing on the Pnemeadow site I have read shows that they will accomadate you, for left hand Golfers on the custom sets, But many coments on the reviews say something like. sorry- no left hand clubs available in this set. So please be careful, your upgrade will be costly reguardless, so make it count. This way your Game will get the most enjoyment. You will fine that It will turn out to be a kind of " I can pay me now, or later may again when I have to fix my mistakes" can of thing. So Good luck and have fun in your hunt. Dutch in Nashville