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  1. burner irons ? lol you must be a total hacker
  2. I dare you to ask the starter at bethpage if its okay if you play 2 balls see what they say and report back here, its about as difficult as my course since youre asking, probably about the same or maybe slightly easier, bethpage that is.
  3. kids like me 12 years ago, Im a member of 5 courses, 2 private 3 public, private ones are quiet I may play a 2nd ball on certain shots there, as I said private clubs the rules for members are different. you can play them as much as you want you are correct, you can play them every day if you want, unless they are total goat tracks you cant play more than one ball on them, perhaps the private one that depends on that clubs rules, you should probably check them by the sounds of things.
  4. theyre getting better younger all the time, that 16 year old that won the british is from portrush btw, dont know what theyre doing over there but its clearly right.
  5. because you quoted marshalls to back you up, is it okay to call you an idiot here or will you get all upset and threaten to ban me, cause what youre saying is idiotic, YOU not me quoted marshalls to back you up, I pointed out I know several and youre wrong.
  6. you dont respect and understand the game though thats my point you may think you do but you clearly dont, otherwise you would agree its ludicrous to think playing any more than 1 ball on a hole is okay, why is it okay for you to make 2 divots ? explain that to me then, given I spent a summer filling divots explain how you dont take any with your 2nd ball otherwise youre wrong. golf courses charge per round, not per shot or per hour, you get to play each hole one time to completion 18 holes of golf one full round thats what your green fee is for, not to spend 5 hours on the course hitting as many shots as you can fit in or to hit exactly 100 shots, just to play the course, which means playing each hole once. as for your comments about the site I dont really care it pretty much blows anyway and Ive had just the same from others I havent seen you warning them.
  7. a 16 year old won the british ladies amatuer a few weeks ago, my girl got to the quarters should really have gone further, she played a 2nd and 3rd ball quite often, on practice days, when the course was closed to the public, then she spent 10 minutes on each green with me showing her where the pins were likely to be
  8. its not, you live in a sheltered wee world of crappy courses where you can get away with just about anything then, in the real world thats totally out of order, I just spent 10 hours working on a golf course today as I do most days, I know what Im talking about, Im on first name terms with 6 rangers/marshalls as I speak to them every single day. if practising on the course was okay why do you even need practice facilities surely you could just do that on the course ? encouraged is laughable too, I sometimes hit a 2nd ball myself, but of all the people in the world I wouldnt want to see me doing it the pro would come top of that list, well maybe the head greenkeeper actually but the pro would be up there.
  9. sadly I once caddied for an exec from under armor, she told me all their faulty stuff just gets destroyed even she was quite annoyed about it wanted it given to kids or whatever
  10. okay well if youre running a golf site and a pro you really ought to know golf etiquette a little better, the golf course is not to be used for practice, thats why you get practice ranges, the purpose of them is hinted at in the name.
  11. reviews and funny stories
  12. 144 and youre still as wrong as youve always been, its nothing to do with holding anyone up pace of play is irrelevant here, its respect of the course and the etiqutte of the game, 2 ball 2 divots that wins it right there game set match me, anyone who actually undertands golf and values it sides with me, disrespectful arrogant idiots are on your side.
  13. no pro or admin has told me I am wrong, several have agreed with me, yes on a harder course than you I dont need to know what course you play, everything Ive said here is true it just pisses you off as it shows you up to be an ignorant moron, no course in the history of the world has ever encouraged practising on it youre having a laugh now, almost all forbid it. I have also witnessed marshall give golfers into trouble about it dozens of times, possibly hundreds. as for playing lessons on certain courses at certain times sure, as a rule no.
  14. low handicaps ? I play off 3 on a way harder course than you play. its just simple fact, Im sorry if youre ignorant of the etiquette of the game, its actually a-holes like you that are turning people away, a golf course is to be respected that means not practising on it dead simple, there are exceptions such as a private course or if its completely dead or a total shithole who cares anyway, but on any decent course its just unbelievable to consider that acceptable theres just no way, if you were spotted doing that on the old course btw you may have got warned, if you displayed an attitude about it like you have on this thread ie I can play 2 balls if I want youd be escorted from the course and banned from all r and a courses for life. its not a rule I made up its just a rule youre not aware of cause youre ignorant, your ignorance is hardly my fault, or problem.
  15. youre an idiot and have no idea about the rules or etiquette of golf, dont ever come over here to play.
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