low handicaps ? I play off 3 on a way harder course than you play. its just simple fact, Im sorry if youre ignorant of the etiquette of the game, its actually a-holes like you that are turning people away, a golf course is to be respected that means not practising on it dead simple, there are exceptions such as a private course or if its completely dead or a total shithole who cares anyway, but on any decent course its just unbelievable to consider that acceptable theres just no way, if you were spotted doing that on the old course btw you may have got warned, if you displayed an attitude about it like you have on this thread ie I can play 2 balls if I want youd be escorted from the course and banned from all r and a courses for life. its not a rule I made up its just a rule youre not aware of cause youre ignorant, your ignorance is hardly my fault, or problem.