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gr8nole last won the day on September 7 2012

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About gr8nole

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  • Your Location
    Tallahassee, FL

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  • Index: 8.4
  • Plays: Righty

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  1. gr8nole


  2. I was playing Royal Liverpool during Open week this summer. We had just played a par 3 and were standing on the tee box of a par 4. I heard the group behind us yell "fore" so I turned around to see a ball coming over the hill at the back of our tee box. It hit and bounced a couple of times before hitting me in the leg. I looked down and it was MY golf ball. I had lost it a few holes earlier and the guy behind us found it and then hit me with it.
  3. I was playing Royal Liverpool while in England to attend the Open. I had just played a par 3 and was waiting on the next tee when the group behind us yells fore. I turn around and see a ball flying over a hill at the back of our tee box. It lands and bounces a few times before hitting me harmlessly on my leg. I look down and the ball is mine! I had lost the ball a few holes before and the guy behind me had found it and then hit me with it. Certainly the most unusual golf event that has happened to me.
  4. gr8nole

    Golf and Yoga

    I've been doing yoga about 3 years and find that it is good for eliminating small aches and pains. It is also particularly good for giving you loosened hamstrings which is essential for keeping your posture throughout your swing. Yoga is also a good for loosening up your hips. A lot of people don't want to try it because they think they won't be able to do one of the positions and embarrass themselves. I've yet to be in a class where the instructors don't offer alternative positions for those that are beyond your capability. I would highly encourage any golfer to try yoga as a way to improve their golfing experience.
  5. I also have had the staining problem. I live in FL and it gets hot and humid and that is when the problem is most noticeable. I had it with a Sun Mountain 3.5 and I now have it with a Ping Hoofer that is less than a month old. I was told by Sun Mountain that their technical people surmise that the pH of some people's sweat causes the problem to occur. With the Sun Mountain bag, I ended up using a sheepskin cover on the strap and that eliminated the transfer of the dye to my clothes. The Ping strap is wider so I'll need to find a wider sheepskin cover if i am to use the same solution.
  6. I purchased a microfiber towel. I carry a full set of clubs and try to limit the weight of everything. This towel cleans no better or worse than a normal towel, but it is lighter.
  7. I am retired from the semiconductor business. Golf is my job now and I usually play 3 or 4 times a week.
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