So I am creating my own brand of golf clubs. I am doing this for multiple reasons, one of them being fun.
If it isn't successful then no big deal. Thought I'd make them really cheap. I already have a small ecommerce
golf store so could sell a few hundred at least.
So, my thinking was to make 500 sets. Both for men and women, left and right.
Now my question is, how many should I make in each length to be able to fit each player? And in what lengths
would the bulk of my clubs be in?
I can't do too many lengths since it is only 500 sets. But I want to have enough options to fit everyone.
Do I really need this many?
s + 2inches
s + 1,5inches
s + 1inches
s + 0,75inches
s + 0,5inches
s + 0,25inches
s - 0,25inches
s - 0,5 inches
s - 0,75 inches
s - 1 inch
s - 1,5 inch
That's 12 sizes only for one of the sexes. Which means 24 different variations in total.
How can I make 10-12 variations total and still be able to fit everyone? How many should I get of each length?
Very thankful for any help. Cheers!