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About JasonInRaleigh

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  • Member Title
    Low 90's Hacker
  • Your Location
    Raleigh, NC

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  • Index: Huh?
  • Plays: Righty

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  1. I am playing Noodle Long & Soft. Like em'
  2. New golfer (appx. 8 months) I have a set of Ping K-15 irons with regular flex graphite shafts. I am 6'4" and have very long arms. I feel uncomfortably hunched. I need advice on what shafts, what material and how long? Thanks.
  3. I played with two nice guys yesterday and we all shot poorly. The majority of their 2nd shots were from the WRONG fairway. I shot a 100 and asked them "what did you guys shoot?"... They both said 81. LOL- I think they don't count all the "nevermind, I'll drop a ball here" strokes. WOW>
  4. I played 18 in the cold'ish 42* yesterday. I shot 100. I could not drive or putt.
  5. You will improve as you play and learn more. Keep it fun and the scores will drop off. I am a new golfer and shot in the 125-130 range 3 months ago. I am now in the high 90's.
  6. Thanks for the input. I didn't know that 2* was the limit. I do open the face when I need more loft. I do better with bump & runs anyways... I'll just keep things as they are. Thank you again guys.
  7. I play Ping K15 irons and the set has 4 wedges. PW, SW, LW and Utility W. I don't play the Utility. My brother has a 64* wedge and it's really handy. Should I have it bent from 56* to the 64*? The distances I play these are: PW- 120'ish SW- 100'ish Lob- 80'ish
  8. I am completely obsessed/ consumed with golf lately but have always felt that watching golf was proposterous. I don't feel like that anymore of course. That being said.... I'm enjoying the WM tourney very much and I don't see how ratings and a broader array of enthusiasts could be a bad thing for any sport. What am I missing?
  9. Eagle Ridge GC in Raleigh,NC yesterday. I hit a 307yd drive perfectly straight down the fairway . It was the high point of my day.
  10. a pair of SNAKE EYES golf mits (over my golf gloves) and a mini- golf towel with club scrubber attached.
  11. This new bag has given me no issues. I don't put it in the back seat because it leaves marks on the leather (khaki in color) and it's too visible for thieves. I no longer consider this an issue. Thanks for the input all.
  12. exactly verbatim as I would have said I play/swing
  13. LOL @ the creative troll. This thread is one of the more interesting I've read in my few weeks here. :) No offense to the technically loaded conundrums of form, posture, balance etc... posters. To answer you "patrick"- I think Golf would be easier learned if people viewed it as "playing a game or having fun "skiing" instead of "I have to F'ing get this swing perfect or I'll never ever be great..... swing.... AAaaaarrrghgggghhhh F!!!!!!" Just my opinion.
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