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About payne7744

  • Birthday 06/14/1957

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    so. cen. ks

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  • Index: 7.6
  • Plays: Righty

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  1. payne7744


  2. I can't seem to get rid of this problem. (8hcp 59yrs) I just had another lesson with video I get to the top ok then the head moves forward with the right shoulder, the miss is now a pull left. I work on rotating back not sliding, dropping my hands low and close from the top, keeping my back to the target longer and of course starting the swing from the ground up among many other drills and swing thoughts for many years. As an 8hcp. I'm managing but feel this is what's keeping me from being a low single digit. Any ideas? Thanks Mike
  3. You mean lift hands at address like Nancy Lopez?
  4. I was fit for the edel 6mo. ago, I know I needed to be fit after the fitting, my putters couldn't be adjusted because I was aimed so far left, and believed I was aimed perfect (until he showed me where the laser pointed) my distance is on putts is fine and my edel is good. I am also putting the same way I did at the fitting, but practicing on 4 to 6' straight putts over and over and over the same putt and missing half of them on either side is not acceptable. so without completely changing my stroke (again) is there a simple way to fix the slight out to in path? (not as bad as mayfair but I know its there) the thing that confuses me is im close but on each side, not a consistant miss on the same putt.
  5. (8hcp, edel putter) is there a good grip and or stance to promote sbst stroke? I overlap now and just started to open my stance. I tend to take the putter back outside then finish inside or torward my left toe. opening my feet and trying to keep shoulders square seemed to help a little. a short backswing with a pop stroke helps a little but im inconsistent a little left or right distance is fine. 56yrs old 5'9 " and yes today I worked for 30min on straight 6' putts maybe missed a few more left than right, made only about 50% of the same putt over and over. HELP!!!
  6. mine took 1 1/2 hrs in K.C. ks. @ Golf MD and the process was very much the same as the others. ( very eye opening) cant wait till it gets here!!!
  7. i just was fit for edel in kc ks. at Golf M D. i took 3 of my putters in to see if i was off with any of them. it was terrible (6 to 12" left), over and over to different holes. i always thought i was lined up. Mike proved if i ever made a 10' putt it was nothing but luck. he also proved many of my thoughts on my putting were wrong. i went from large mallets to a blade style. its still prob. 3 weeks till i get my putter but now i can really practice my stroke and hopefully make more putts.
  8. ok thx, now what about forged or cast ? i have, of course hit and owned both. i cant really tell alot of difference forged is a little softer. whats your opinion ?
  9. feb 28th im going to a edel putter and wedge fitting. i use my cally 56* Xforged c grind 15*bounce for sand shots, pitch, chip and full shots. we have alot of tight lies at my club so the c grind helps alot with many different shots, i like this wedge but its getting old and worn. i bought a sm4 56* 8* bounce and did not like it, lost full shot distance and accuracy with chips. so i sold it and put my old one back in. what should i look for with edel ? ive searched and it looks like they have pretty high bounce and if i cant chip with my 8iron i use my 56 but its my greenside bunker club also. thx
  10. best tip ive ever had from a pro, put rt. foot over left and hit 8 irons off a mat or very low tee. get good at this then get a lesson. been doing this over 20yrs whenever my swing gets off. you have to be in balance and tempo and if you come over the top you will fall down, it will get you close enough a pro can help you faster at least in my case.
  11. WOW, never thought i would get so much feedback, Ive just enjoyed the info coming in. (btw my 1st post) I wanted a putter that offered something different and i narrowed it down to what i thought were two great choices, seemore or edel. All i wanted was good knowledgeable information on the differences between two very fine options. The info from IACAS and CLAMBAKE seem to make alot of sense and i did not feel one was being pushed over another. That being said, i feel i recieved the nessary info. to make a much more informed decision on my next putter purchase. I, like many others have way to many putters but nothing with a different concept. Thanks for all the replies! Mike
  12. looking to get a new custom putter fit to me. ive narrowed it down to these. they seem to do the same thing differently (aim) can anyone explain the benifits of each and compare? tired of just buying new putters these both seem different. 32/34 putts per round 8hcp thx
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