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About floydfamily

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  1. I am in same situation.....any thoughts?
  2. My son really likes this iron set.....Idea a12 OS http://shop.adamsgolf.com/c/irons_idea-a12-os 1. Is this a good set for beginners? 2. Is it a good idea to start out learning to hit a traditional 5i and 6i......or is the 5h and 6h ok for his future development in golf? Any other thoughts... Thanks!
  3. Sounds great. Now you have me interested. I was looking at the Adams Tight lies plus....clearance at Dicks for $299. Are these better recommended for a new golfer and for a returning player after 15 years away? Compare these hybrid iron sets to the tight lies that has tradition irons with 2 hybrids? Pros and cons of each. Thanks much!
  4. Now he is looking at... Adams Tight Lies full set vs Callaway Strata full set Adams set is about $120 more in cost.
  5. Any good ideas? thanks for input.
  6. Son has started taking lessons and is taking to it well. Looking at... Tour Edge - Bazooka HT Max 2x6 Hybrid Irons Graph/Steel Adams 1212 - Tight Lies #5, 6-PW/SW Hybrid Irons Thoughts on each? Other recommendations? Thanks much
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