Hello there, I am a Cameron collector (my collection includes 2 customized newport pro platinums, 1 customized newport classic, 1 newport circle t, 2 Napa valley Holidays, 1 circle t newport beach, etc. EVERY one is new) so I am no beginner in putters. However, one of my fellow employees recently purcahsed a new studio select, and knowing I was a collector gave me his older Del Mar 2 Long Slant TeI3, a great and also rare club, worthy of being racked in my collection. The clubs overall condition is mint, it has been well kept with a headcover over the years, but, as everyone knows, the Gun Blue finish rusts quickly, the putter had alot of rust, which I've removed to the best of my ability with steel-wool/soap/hot water/brushs etc. The Teryllium insert is perfect, after some of the same treatment it is as gold as new.
The Gun Blue finish is still faded, with slight traces of rust. Does anyone know what polish or treatment i can use to sparken up the finish on this great club? instructions would be helpful, thanks.
PS..sadly the putter isnt worth it to me to spend the $195 tht it would cost for restoration at the Shop. To much
i could use on other Cameron Goods