I would also throw in the 'international', in bolton,ma which should be around an hour or so west of Boston. I played there last year on a groupon and thought it was great.
hey have two courses there, 1 is private and 1 public, we played the public track and heard from a few people that the public course was the better of the two. O
ne annoying thing is that the golf carts will sense that you are off course and slow to a crawl, never seen anything like that before. I have never played Granite Links but heard it's nice, out of my price range and they don't seem to offer any deals. I have played pine hills many times and that is great too as well as the other courses mentioned by others. Another course I played last year which was nice is a bit farther up in maine called the ledges. You could also get some maine lobstah while your up there. Oh and hey, if you play ipswich and can get a guest on , i'll play with you.