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Everything posted by EZPZ
I appreciate it. That was intended in an "are you listening?" kind of way. I'll watch it.
Its certainly your right to ban guns from your property. Believe me or don't, it happened. I didnt go looking for trouble, it came and found me. I asked the question who else carries, not who agrees with it. And it would have been just fine without getting unwarranted "advice" from people that have never met me on how I should conduct myself, considering that none of my hypothetical actions would have been illegal or unjustified.
What part of grabbed a golf club (you know the 4 foot long metal sticks we swing at 80+ MPH?) and started coming towards me screaming an yelling at the top of his lungs, did you not understand?
Worst round so far this year and it was a doosie. 96 on a course that isnt really that difficult. Couldnt find the correct angle of my downswing and my toe hits came back in force. Killed me big time.
Man if i ever get away from work and get time for a vacation, i'll probably head up to Ouray and try to get some fly fishing and golf in. I'll hit you up.
It feels wrong and lame to do, but its the right choice. On the course i played the other day, the trees are fairly short so it can kind of trick you into thinking its no biggie to go over a bunch of them if you go wide with your tee shot. The one time i tried it, it backfired. I punched out the other 2 ( maybe it was 3 more) times and stopped the bleeding at bogey on each.
I think the word you're looking for is "preemptive". Nowhere in here have i said i would immediately draw and empty a mag on the guy. That would be a pretty dumbass thing to do. The guy keeps on coming after i've drawn down and told him to stop? Doesnt leave me much choice in my mind.
Then so be it. Maybe I'll sell my clubs and start getting a bug out bag and new AR together. Heck with all the money i'll save on golf, in a few years I'll be able to get an M82A1 and tax stamps for some really high speed stuff. I wonder if I can get a good deal on concrete for my bunker if i buy in bulk... :)
I think thats a smart strategy for breaking 100. Always account for your misses, play to the safest spot, and take your medicine. The other day I had to punch out 3 times, had 0 up and downs and only hit 4 or 5 fairways, about 4 or 5 three putts, and still somehow managed an 82. No lost balls and playing it safe on every shot let me just focus on hitting the green and getting 2 putts. Really not trying to brag, just making a point that if you manage your misses and take hero shots and danger out of the equation, you can save your round even when a lot of things are going wrong.
In retrospect thats probably right. Still came too close for comfort for me. Would i have actually busted him, probably not. Would I have drawn? About 2 more steps and it would have come out had i been armed and he wasnt stopped. When you're put in that situation, you unfortunately don't have the luxury of weighing probability like that. Its a reaction. It must be a reaction. The time you don 't react to a threat or play it down might be the time that threat gets you.
Its a soft shooter, even with +p ammo. I have big hands and would like a little larger backstrap. Still getting used to the double action shot but you can really run it in single. The higher bore axis doesnt bother me like i thought it would. Plus its a Sig for under $500. Wish it came with a spare mag though :s I don't have many fans on my concealed carry on the course thread though lol.
Sounds like your scoring really saved you. Just think when you can straighten those drives out. Exciting isnt it?
It'll take practice but you're already ahead of the game by developing a repeatable process.
We were past the point of apologies. I do feel like the guy was going to take a swing if given the opportunity.
I would too :). As far as that goes, i feel like going hands on is more likely to result in me getting hurt. I'm hesitant to try that because i see more going wrong during a fist fight than I do displaying a weapon. If someone did that to a police officer, would they charge him and tackle the guy? Probably not. Most likely ending is I draw down and he backs off I think. If he continues advancing when facing deadly force he clearly has the intent to cause me serious bodily injury and I would have no choice. Either way its a bad situation
Well, when you get into "what if" land anything can happen. Yeah the gun could get knocked from my hand. If he's that close that 5 iron could just as easily be in my skull. I'll take my chances drawing down. Like i've stated several times before. This guy wasnt some staggering barely conscious drunk. He was moving quickly and with a purpose. I feel that if his friend had not stopped him and i tried to talk him down, myself or my father would have wound up in the hospital. If an irate, yelling, screaming, red faced drunk is closing distance on you quickly with a blunt force weapon, are you trying to tell me thats the time to try and holds hands while singing kumbayah? I'm all for de-escalation, but should i have to wait until i'm on the ground bleeding before i take action? To answer your other question, i do need to take some classes. I sometimes practice use of force scenarios with a couple other guys i know and some basic tactical shooting, but i'm no Travis Haley.
Couldnt resist. I want to assure you that i realize that carrying a deadly weapon is not a novelty. I do fully understand that the lives of other people around me depend on my being responsible. I have a great respect for my guns, but at the same time, if I feel that their use is necessary to protect myself from injury or from a felonious crime, I'm going to use that weapon to the lowest degree necessary to end the conflict. If that means firing, so be it.
Very true. Like i said I wasnt looking for a heated debate but i should have known better. I think i'm going to give this thread a rest. Shouldn't have put it on this site in the first place. Oh well, lesson learned :)
I agree. If you can talk them down or walk away its always the best option. Believe me, I've done that a couple times and it was over. But sometimes you don't have the option. Something i think people are misunderstanding here is that because i'm talking about introducing a firearm it means that i'm going to pop the guy. I'd have had enough time to draw and tell the guy to stop, but not much else. Me pulling the trigger at that point is entirely up to him.
The guy was closer to me than i was to my cart.
No I didn't. It wasnt an option at the time. My point is that It could have gotten real physical, real quick.
I just wanted to see how many other people do it and any experiences they had, thats all.
This guy was pretty hot. You would have thought we were beating on his kids or something the way he came out. If I thought there was any reasonable chance i could talk him down i would have attempted it, but at that point we had ske-daddled past that. The man was moving with purpose. If it wasnt for his buddy stopping him we'd have been swinging clubs at each other in the fairway, and I don 't like my chances in that one.
This really wasn't meant for a debate on the appropriateness of concealed carry on a course, but it looks like thats where its going. I agree that I probably should have taken this to a defensive carry forum, but i wanted answers from golfers, so i decided to give it a shot.