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Innercity Mini

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  1. Could it be that MGS teaches a traditional swing in a format more easily handled by non-superstars of golf? Could it be that small changes are really important in a golf swing? Could it be you should "live and let live" and not attack different things without really understanding them? "All we are saying...is give peace a chance!" Your gimpy buddy, Patrick
  2. I don't believe that will be the case Carl! But Tiger did pretty well with a very restricted backswingand a good shoulder turn today! Actually, that's the whole point. Kiran's MGS is about pre-setting the basic golfing positions- no big deal just different for people like me who are not Tiger or even you Carl, lol! Kind regards, Patrick
  3. Well, Matt if you have any insights to share or think I'm messing up somehow let me know-I was a little dizzy on the greens today after the front 9-it has been a few weeks since touching the sticks still I missed real birdie chances on 1,2, (made 4), 7. 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 real = within 30 feet of the pin. Kind regards, Patrick
  4. Nah, he is retired Navy and a helluv of nice guy-77 with a bad ticker so we honor him for his service!
  5. Acer, I have finished my first round on a par 71 less than 3 weeks after total knee replacement. Despite putting poorly I shot 39/42 on a par 71-my knee is a balloon and icing it now. Today, I simply pulled the club head past the ball and this was witnessed by Dr. Neil N, Commander D. Mann and Mrs Marybeth K. All 3 commented on my effortless distance. Some here will blame Kiran for my plus 80 score no doubt ignoring the 10 birdie putts/chips I missed while only making 1. They will also not admit their hypocrisy in allowing a student to slowly learn their system while demanding all MGS students completely follow every utterance Kiran has ever made. Likewise those 'all-knowing" marketers of re-hashed information will continue to ignore Dr. Suttie's approval of the MGS method since it does not fit their hate-filled narrative. When I step on my left heel, I am adding my own touch to what feels good for my body that day. Very much like many golfers do on certain days when playing a fade or draw-they go with it. As a result of the video, I enhanced my twist and hit a very satisfying draw all day being aware of my coming over the top of my knee in the video.
  6. I'm not sure of the question here nor of your objectivity. You guys do not like Kiran. I get it. You do not like anyone who follows her-check. You cannot have any opinion that disagrees with yours-check. So let me just reply with "asked and answered." Good luck with your marketing of Pure Strike-seriously.
  7. So it's not a shock the MGS system works since it's designed around better impact from inside but the films look tacky and there's not a lot of data that would help us work with students? I agree. My distance improved by 10% across the bag and even in a post-surgery haze, I was flying the ball 235-245 with driver, but I get your point because I like flashy, tied together presentations. Kiran's MGS is original research without the funding and polish of an effective program like PURE-STRIKE which I will study since it is serious original research which is always valuable. I gotta tell you that having grasped the pre-set/pre-twist by pushing off the right foot for MGS, fades and draws are very easy to adjust for with ball position and/or degree of shoulder turn at the pre-set. Keeping the right side lower than the left and lifting your left/front arm up the chest are the constants. Here is a fade in a non-flashy film. It looks silly but so does my cane and new artificial knee which is twice the normal size but both work. Good luck! Patrick
  8. But in case you feel nervous about trying it, look at some true beginning golfers and you'll feel better about your own skills! This is meant as humor!
  9. No worries, good luck!
  10. Sometimes that stuff happens but we are on the straight and narrow now and just talking about the good and bad parts of the MGS swing, The Pre-Set Kinwar uses lowers the right side and head below the left and pre-turns the shoulders. You can see it here: Good luck in trying it!
  11. Kiran would be the first to say that keeping the right side lower than the left and the pre-twist are the magic moves of her system-there are only a very few of her student videos who do her entire system perfectly. Keeping the left arm lifting along the chest with "dead hands" and horizontal thumbs adds extra linear acceleration to the pre-set body mass into the ball. I still forget that sometimes and the swing works well-when I remember the dead hands feeling, I get extra power and distance. Kiran says the "what " of her system is set while the "how" is evolving. As Americans we are use to perfectly thought out solutions which are advertised as such-Kiran's MGS is not perfect but highly effective in my opinion. Cheers good luck in trying it!
  12. Kiran says that in the video and agrees with your assessment. It is a very good swing with an "over-the-top" problem. The fix is in the spine's pre-twist which sets the weight forward and left side, left knee bent forward, shoulder high while setting the right hip and shoulder back and lower-pre-twisted. As the left arm lifts up the chest from the tricep against the chest the hands and right arm feel dead with both thumbs pointing behind the golfer until the arm gets to about 10 O'clock. Both feet were set with equal weight mid-step but back foot pushes the right hip and shoulder back sending left knee bent and forward creating the shallow guide for the arm lift and club face in the Angle of Approach. The hips are very powerful albeit slow muscles in creating torque and pre-setting them eliminates a lot of problems as does Jim Sutties "No Backswing Swing," especially timing issues, "over-the-top" issues, head movement issues and arm drop issues as the hands are already in the slot as the hip turns to impact. It is hard to unlearn the use of "Power Accumulator #2" the vertically cocked left wrist, but the gain in timing allows for full control of the back of left hand for controlling the club face! Patrick
  13. Right. Minimalist Golf Swing only. My video proves that a big right knee and a swollen right leg can be detriments to an inside path and a lot of other things. I know that there are other places to post "My Swing" on the blog but did so hear to try to respond to some of the challenges and attacks. Kiran Kanwar's MGS swing is about guaranteeing a shallow inside club head path to the ball repeatedly because 1) the club design, 2) the ball design and making physical changes in the golfer's swing that are bio-mechanically "friendly." On of Dr. Jim Suttie's pupils/assistants struggled with coming "over the top." In the following video Kiran get's Anthony to lower his right side and twist his chest closed as pre-sets and lift his arm up his chest to start his swing. At the end of the video are favorable comments by Dr. Suttie about MGS. The result of Anthony's Pre-twist and Tilt is to completely remove his "over the top" problem and to reduce pressure on his joints and reduce rotational sheer forces on his back. How does Anthony come down? More on that to come. Patrick
  14. I really like Winn more so than Holly. And now there is the new girl Paige-I didn't thin there was a shortage of pretty girls wanting to be on TV!
  15. Hey, I'm on vacation and meds! You do make a good point however-top marks!
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