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About sirmarlo

  • Birthday 11/30/1982

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Your Golf Game

  • Index: 18.6
  • Plays: Righty

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  1. Wow this is all great info. I want to thank everyone who's posted. I'll definitely give these things a try. I do know that I tend to sometimes straighten my back knee to allow for more hip turn on the upswing. From some of the video of my swing I know my spine angle is relatively good. And I'll work w/ different ball position, maybe right at center.
  2. Hey folks, So I've been working on my swing lately (mostly iron shots) and have been trying to create the divot the pro's make so I can have better contact. My good shots usually are picked up clean off the grass, or worse, pick up a little turf just before the ball. I've focused on hitting down and working on my lag to give me the power and supposed better swing arc that bottoms out at the right place. However, I usually end up with one of two shots: 1) If I focus on hitting down, I usually hit the shot fat, several inches behind the ball (of which I usually place just left of center for most of my irons). 2) If I focus on lagging in my downswing, which removes all chance of a fat shot, I generally tend to hit my shot very thin, probably cuz I'm not releasing my wrists at the right time. And when I do make decent contact w/ a lagged downswing, it's the same product, picking the ball up cleanly. Does anyone have any tips or ideas on what I'm doing wrong?
  3. I used to have the Simac 60* lob wedge. It served me well until I upgraded too some Vokeys. I believe it only cost me $20 individually though from golfsmith.
  4. I wear that stuff when I work out but not for golf really and those are just short sleeved. I really just care about the long sleeved version or in this case just the sleeves.
  5. Has anyone bought and used these? Are they effective? I'm thinking about getting these as the cooler weather comes in b/c I'm the kind of guy that doesn't like a lot of bulk on me when I'm playing.
  6. I've tried that w/ average results. I would like to keep my strong grip b/c the club feels more secure in my hand during the entire swing. I sometimes feel like it's loose during a neutral grip. I could probably get away w/ a neutral grip if I work on it some more, however if anyone has any quick tips to help me out while I still can maintain my strong grip, that would be really helpful.
  7. OK everyone, I've got a crazy problem that's beginning to haunt me AGAIN. I'm hoping someone has something helpful to suggest. Ok here's the deal. I use a strong grip which with normal wrist rotation in the downswing would cause major hooks for most people. I've learned how to control my rotation to produce straight or slight draw shot. What's happened now is that for some reason, I've lost all intuition as to how much to rotate my wrists and now I'm mishitting bad. I'm slicing my iron shots particularly bad and finding that I'm topping them more often that I ever have. I'm guessing it's because my face is too open at impact due to underrotation. Has anyone ever had this problem or can offer any suggestions?
  8. Cobra S9's. I've knocked 10 strokes off my handicap just by working w/ these.
  9. Is it me or are Rife putters and Yes! putters pretty much the same? The C-Groove and RollGroove technologies are basically identical so it really just comes down to looks. Can anyone make a compelling argument one way or the other? And really, is this technology (quicker forward roll) enough reason for me to choose Rife/Yes! over a Scotty Cameron Studio Select?
  10. Go with the S9's. I use them and love them. S9's are meant for better players than FP's are.
  11. Keep the 3hybrid and whichever you can hit easier between the 5wood and 2hybrid.
  12. Check out the Cobra S9's. I bought these as my first "real" set of irons and they are so easy to hit, perfect for high handicappers (anyone 20+). They're pretty affordable and were easier for me to hit than the R7 draw.
  13. OK so I've played golf seriously now for a couple of years using an old Wilson putter. I recently tried the Ping I-Series Anser blade and it didn't work out too well for me. My tendency is to lift my putter a little too high and miss the insert all together, but we'll save that for another thread. Anyways, I'm really into the Scotty Cameron putters, probably because my cousin (who taught me the game) continuously professes his love for his Cameron putter. My big problem is distance control, and so will a Cameron putter really help me in that department? Also, which exact putter should I go with? Has anyone compared two or all three of these putters and could share their thoughts? Right now I'm leaning toward the Select b/c I like the feel at ball contact a little better than the GSS insert of the Style. The Circa '62 has a nice finish which I'm sure will handle glare better, but I'm not a big fan of the body styles or the dot alignment visual instead of a line. Any thoughts would be great, thanks.
  14. Hey folks, first thread for me so bear with me. So I'm in quite a jam here. I've become quite the golf nut over the past year and it's rubbed off on my dad. He just turned 63 but is still very fit for his age (from years of manual labor), however he has never engaged in any athletic sport in his life. I want to get him a good starter set so that he can pick it up and enjoy this game before he gets too old. Although he is older and should be using a senior flex set, he could potentially get away with regular flex. Now here's the two tough things. I really don't want to be spending too much on a set b/c I have no idea how interested he'll remain the more and more he tries this game out. At the same time, he's also left handed which makes my options ever more limited. I've tried looking for used left handed sets on craigslist and Ebay, but none seem too fitting. At the same time I dont want to be getting some crappy $100 starter set that will break in a few months. One sort of compromise might be an intermediate set like the Golfsmith in-house brand "Zevo" ($300 for full set). If anybody knows of any good ideas or has anything to say about the Zevo brand, any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks.
  15. SQ Sumo: $200 SQ 3-wood: $120 SQ squared 3-hybrid: $130 Cobra S9 Irons: $400 Mac Burrows LW: $20 Ping I-Series Anser putter: $120 Nike SQ Tour Bag: $180 Total: $1170. I will be swapping out my putter though for a Scotty ($300) and swapping my cheapo wedge w/ two new Vokeys ($220 for both) bringing my total up to $1570! Wow.
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