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About socalsharky

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    Orange County, CA

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  1. Thanks for the reply. Is bend profile similar to "kick point"? Also, a lot of these type of fitters stress the fact that the pure the shafts. Is this important? Important with steel?
  2. Thanks for the reply. They look just like Cool Clubs or the Club Fix. They want to hand build everything, and you end up with a $1500+ set of irons. I am looking more for a fitting center that will use the Mizuno fitting cart and recommend one of the stock shaft offerings.
  3. socalsharky


  4. I am looking to go through the Mizuno fitting process, but would like to do it outdoors. Has anyone done such a fitting in Southern California? If not, I would appreciate recommendations for an excellent indoor Mizuno fitter.
  5. Speaking of Scorecard, whatever happened to that? It was a great program. I still use it, but when I migrated to a Windows 10 machine, it no longer works. I still have the original installation files, the license file, etc., but when I try to run it, nothing happens.
  6. Very interested to hear how your fitting works out, especially with regard to the criteria that Erik posted. How much did they quote you for the fitting? Is the fitting with Matt Mora?
  7. Not to paint with too broad a brush, but one of the themes running through this thread is the lack of consistent customer service with Edel. It's hard to get some of the fitters to call you back, a putter shipped from the factory with incorrect customization (due to the factory not returning a phone call promptly), a website that is not up to date, and fitters who do not follow the factory fitting protocol. For the prices they are charging, all of these details should be nearly perfect. I run a small business, and there is no higher priority than customer service. I realize that there are outliers, and humans make mistakes, but some of this is unacceptable. I am still considering getting fit for an Edel, but my enthusiasm has definitely waned.
  8. One of the posts above indicated that subjective green speed could not be stated, only a stimp. Plus, I thought the forum might be interested in an "official" response.
  9. I submitted this matter to the SCGA. Here is their response: In this situation a general statement about the green speed would not be considered giving advice because the green speed can be considered general knowledge. Since your sons round was already over he should not have been disqualified nor given any penalty.
  10. No I did not. They seemed like they were not too dedicated to the Edel fitting program. I was hoping that @Big C le to track down Brett Mann. I guess Golf Galaxy in San Diego is an Edel fitter, but a big box store does not inspire confidence for a service like this. Who knows?
  11. OK, let me make it real clear for all of you that do not understand the dynamics of this situation. My son's golf coach is a big puss. Anytime there is conflict, he defers to the bully. He does not stand up for his players. There is nothing that the players can do to change that. If my son where to say something that offended the other coach, my son's coach could very well take that as being disrespectful. This would likely affect his status on the team, and future playing time. My son is much less of a "prick" than some of you may have been during your HS years. The DQ did not affect the results of the match; my son's team won anyway. As mentioned above, sometimes you have to pick your battles. As I stated above, my son and I have had a detailed discussion about how to handle this respectfully in the future. He will be handing a copy of the Rules of Golf to anyone who wishes to assess a penalty, and asking them to show him the applicable rule that was violated. I am sending a polite email to the coaching staff alerting them of the incorrect ruling, so hopefully the coach will have the guts to stand up for his team in the future. This thread has strayed far from the original topic, which was to get input on the correct ruling. Thanks for all the input.
  12. I agree with your second statement, and my son and I have had a detailed discussion about how to handle this in the future. He will have a copy of the Rules of Golf in his bag, and know how to use it! However, I think you are not appreciating the situation that these kids are in. They are taught to respect authority, and my son certainly does that. He was intimidated by the opposing coach who bullied our coach, and the players involved, in order to get his way. This is a school event, which is completely different from a youth golf tournament like the SCPGA Jr. Tour. Anything that is perceived as disrespectful (whether it is or not) affects future standing with the team, and potentially at school. So when in doubt, the kids defer to the adults.
  13. Thanks for all the thoughtful replies. For those of you commenting on the level of golf knowledge and ability among HS golf coaches, you are correct. My son's coach, while a great guy and good teacher, couldn't break 90 if Rory was hitting his first two shots on every hole. It does bother me that he doesn't fight for his players. There are no rules officials for high school matches until you get to the regional or state playoffs. Certainly, the two coaches should have involved a third party like the head pro at the course. To me, the most basic question here is whether a penalty can be assessed against a player who has completed his round. If not, then does that allow players who have finished to provide any advice they please to those who are still playing, with no penalties involved? I know the rules probably do not allow for this, but the only possible penalty (if there was one at all) would be to have retroactively assessed my son a 2 stroke penalty. But no way is this a DQ. Does anyone know if there is a way to submit a ruling request to the USGA?
  14. My son plays High School Golf. The format is stroke play, 9 holes. Seven players from each team, and the team score is the sum of the 5 lowest scores. The round is played in foursomes, 2 players from each team. After he had completed his round, and signed his scorecard, my son was watching the following group play the 9th hole. After his teammate hit his approach onto the green, my son remarked to no one in particular that the his teammate's upcoming putt was "lightning fast". The opposing coach heard this comment, and insisted that my son be assessed a 2-stroke penalty. However, since my son had already signed his scorecard, the opposing coach now insisted that he be DQ'd for signing an incorrect scorecard. Our team's coach does not know the rules, and did not put up a fight. My son was then disqualified, over his fervent objections. I tried to find an example similar to this in the USGA decisions, but could not. This seems like a patently unfair application of the rule since the 2-stroke penalty (if there even should have been a penalty) happened after the scorecard was signed. Any idea how this should have been ruled?
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