So, I have had to dodge raindrops (and hormonal pregnant wife) to be able to play, and even hit balls, lately ... I got a chance today to get over to the range today! And I am pretty happy that I did ...
I went in and was looking around at the clubs and everything and something caught my attention in the "bargain barrel" there was a Nickent 3DX ironwood (it's a 3+ iron with a loft of 18.5*) with a stiff UST V2 shaft and the thing looked like it hadn't even been hit (no pop-up marks, no scuffs on the sole plate ... it was clean)...
I am looking at it for a few minutes then the owner says, "do you want to hit it?" well, I've been looking for a hybrid for a while now so I say "sure" and take it out to the range ...
HOLY CRAP! Swung like a short iron with the distance of a 5 wood .. I was hitting this thing 215-225 on the button ... I was able to work the club with my natural fade the same way I like to work my irons ... and it was landing softly on the greens and STICKING (granted we've had about 2 weeks of straight rain, but the shots, I think, would have settled pretty quickly with normal greens) ... I hit about 40 - 50 balls and was sold without even knowing the price ...
So I take it back inside and the owner asked me how I liked it and I told him my thoughts and then I asked why it looked so clean ... "old guy bought it, self-provisioned the fit of the shaft and really didn't need a stiff, traded it out a week after he bought it cause he couldn't hit it." (I know this sounds like the "little old lady car story", but this club was clean ... so I believed him) ... "how much?" I ask ... "for you, a rainy week special deal - $30!"
I plopped down my debit card ...
Anyone else here have one of these? How do you like it? How has it helped you and you game ... I'd like some feedback from you guys, since I trust most of you.